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An exclusion gives a condition for which an insurance policy does not cover. You may have homeowners insurance. It may exclude damage to vehicles. You would need to have a separate insurance policy on your car.

If a hurricane came and the roof was blown off your house and your car was blown away. Your homeowners would pay for your roof but not your car. If you have collision insurance, it would pay for your car. Your homeowners would have an exclusion clause excluding your car.

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The Most Common Life Insurance Exclusions:

• The Contestable Period – this refers to the period where the omission has been undertaken by the insured such as the deliberate act of lying about the insured’s medical condition.

• Material Misrepresentation – it reflects the malicious withholding of vital information that may significantly affect the life insurance claim;

• Alcohol and Drug Use – basically the use of these substances may reduce the insurance claim if not totally revoke the insurance policy;

• Illegal Activity – insurance subject should be secured and aligned with the existing law of the country;

• Suicide – this self-infliction act is not within the coverage of life insurance within the policy’s first two years.

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Mold remediation exclusion is usually a term used when referring to insurance. For example, an absolute mold remediation exclusion in an insurance policy would mean that mold remediation would not be covered by the insurance policy.

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You should check uncovered risks set out in exclusion section of insurance policy you have.

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A prior works exclusion means that any work you did prior to buying the policy is not covered.

What is covered under life insurance Is suicide covered?

Suicide is usually excluded under a life insurance policy. The suicide exclusion usually states that there is no payout of life insurance proceeds if the death is due to suicide within two years of the puchase of the life insurance policy. In some states, like Colorado, the suicide exclusion is one year.

Can the court alter the terms of an insurance policy through awarding claims excluded in the policy?

The court can make any judgment they wish in regards to a claim regardless to what is covered by the insurance companies policy. What happens is the individual policy holder is now on the hook for the damages that the insurance company is not going to cover. The terms of the policy would be inforce unless a court of authority finds the insurance company was negligent in it's exclusion of specific terms in the policy. So basicly the insured person who was covered by the policy is out of pocket the amount of the awarded claim regardles of the insurance company covering that exclusion or not.

Why a family member is resticted in auto insurance?

Some insurance companies will require policyholders to sign a driver exclusion for family members if you claim the individual does not drive your vehicle. If the insurance company has previously paid a claim for an unlisted driver, they may require that you list the driver on your policy or sign a driver exclusion that restricts that driver from driving your vehicle. If a resident of your household has tickets and accidents and is not rated on your policy, the company will require a driver exclusion to prevent increasing your policy if they are rated.

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If you borrow a friend's car with permission are you covered under their auto insurance?

Generally barring any exclusion in the policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover garage door damage by your car?

Yes, most of the time. Barring an exclusion to the contrary in your policy.

Can you collect insurance benefits on an accidental cocaine insurance policy?

There is no such thing as an "accidental cocaine insurance policy". If what you are referring to is a health insurance policy, there may be circumstances under which it will pay for the resulting medical expenses from the accidental or unintentional ingestion of cocaine. There is usually an express exclusion, however, for the intentional use of drugs and resulting medical problems. The analysis is similar as to life insurance. There is typically an exclusion for death resulting from the intentional use of illicit drugs. However, if the ingestion was accidental (such as someone else "slipped" the drug to the insured), there may be a valid argument for collecting under the policy.

If the death is ruled suicide will life insurance still pay?

Most, if not all, life insurance policies have an exclusion that states that the policy will not pay if the death is ruled a suicide.

How long does an exclusion on a driver stay in effect with auto insurance?

An exclusion will stay in effect until you ask the insurance company to reverse the exclusion.