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in theory, collecting resumes via online job application databases is a cross functional process between the hiring manager, HR, IT, and finance. However, 99.9% (my personal estimate) of the time when a person applies to a job online they do not get a reply from a real person. Also, the hiring manager usually has no incentive to search through the database even though a well paid HR recruiter probably spent lots of money to drive people to apply online. So my radical idea is to get rid online applications all together. This will illuminate the cost of the online application system all together.

I propose instead that companies state on the website, "We are currently hiring. However, you must know someone who works here to be considered for the role. The first step of the application is to find one of our team members." In truth, that is how most people get hired anyway. Plus, given all the information available on the internet the company would truly be able to see how resourceful the potential candidate is and how much he/she wants to work at the company.

This reduces the cost of the online application database system and the cost of recruiting. The savings can be redirected to employees who are able to find quality candidate referrals. This also increases morale because employees get an extra bonus for bringing in good talent. Also it forces the company to actively be a place where people want to work, which further increases productivity

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Q: What is an example of a cross-functional business process?
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