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Q: What is a business that adopts practices aimed at improving the environment?
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Distinguish between drone entepreneurs and imitative entrepreneurs?

An imitative entrepreneur adopts the methods and technologies of the inoovative entrepreneurs.These are mostly found in developing countries.. On the other hand,drone entrepreneurs believe in traditional methods of production and are less likely to adopt new technologies.

What is a opportunistic entrepreneur?

Opportunistic EntrepreneurA person with both sophisticated managerial skill and technical knowledge who starts a business.In contrast to the artisan entrepreneur, an opportunistic entrepreneur is one who has supplemented his or her technical education by studying such nontechnical subjects as economics, law, or English.Opportunistic entrepreneurs avoid paternalism, delegate authority as necessary for growth, employ various marketing strategies and types of sales efforts, obtain original capitalization from more than two sources, and plan for future growth. An example of an opportunistic entrepreneur is a small building contractor and developer who adopts a relatively sophisticated approach to management, including careful record keeping and budgeting, precise bidding, and systematic marketing research.Smith's model of entrepreneurial styles illustrates two extremes: At one end is a crafts-person in an entrepreneurial position, and at the other end is a well-educated and experienced manager. The former "flies by the seat of the pants, "and the latter uses systematic management procedures and something resembling a scientific approach.

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How do you organism adopt to their environment?

it doesnt the environment adopts to it!

Is google's organizational structure tall or flat?

Hi there Google adopts a flat loose structure allowing for innovation within its business environment. I hope I have helped

What is a less dominant culture adopts elements of the practices and ideas of a more dominate culture through interaction?

This is known as cultural assimilation, where a less dominant culture adopts elements of the practices and ideas of a more dominant culture as a result of interaction. This process can lead to changes in traditions, language, and beliefs within the less dominant culture.

What do you call to a woman who adopts a child?

A woman who adopts a child becomes that child's "mother".

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What describes assimilation?

the process of modifying the sound so that it becomes similar or identical to an adjacent sound

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If the husband of my child's mom adopts her can she still file support from me?

Is Madonna actually helping international adoption agencies when she adopts?

as much as anyone else who adopts a child from an international adoption agency

Why is a business likely to increase output if it adopts division of labor?

because division of labour can make sure that multiple things can be done at once,while not having too many people on the job

What impact could political and legal environment have on the international marketing mix?

Marketing decisions are highly affected by changes in the political/ legal environment. The environment is made up of laws and government agencies that influence and constraint various organizations and individuals in society. Legislations affecting business has steadily increased over the years. The product the consumes and the society against unethical business behaviour and regulates the functioning of the business organizations. Removal of restrictions to the existing capabilities, enlargement of the spheres open to MRTP and FEMA companies and broad banding of industrial licenses were some of the schemes evolved by the government. The legal enactments and rules and regulations exercise a specific impact on the marketing practices, systems and institutions in the country. Some of the acts which have direct bearing on the marketing of the company include, the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (1954), The Drugs and Cosmetics Act (1940), The Standard Weights and Measures Act (1956) etc. The Packaged Commodities (Regulative) Order (1975) provides for clearly making the prices on all packaged goods sold in retail excluding certain items. Similarly, when the government changes, the policy relating to commerce, trade, economy and finance also changes resulting in changes in business. Very often it becomes a political decisions. For instance, one Government introduce prohibition, and another government lifts the prohibition. Also, one Government adopts restrictive policy and another Government adopts liberal economic policies. All these will have impact on business. Hence, the marketing executives needs a good working knowledge of the major laws affecting business and have to adapt themselves to changing legal and political decisions.

What is an adopter?

An adopter is a person who adopts someone or something.