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Home ins with a tenant

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Q: What is a HO9 home insurance endorsement?
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What is an insurance endorsement?

An insurance endorsement (also known as a rider) is a document that is attached to an insurance policy which modifies or changes the coverage provided in that policy. An example endorsement is one that is placed on homeowner's insurance which protects the homeowner from floods.

Is mold in basement covered by insurance?

Probably not unless you have a special Mold and Fungi coverage endorsement that you purchased along with your home insurance policy. Almost all home insurance policies these days exclude coverage for Mold and fungi.

Where can one get insurance for a home based business?

Contrary to belief, standard homeowner's insurance does not cover a home based business. One can get one of four types of insurance to help cover thier home based business, endorsement on homeowners insurance, in-home business policy, business owners policy, and commercial package policies.

What the complete means of endorsement in insurance?

An endorsement is a written document attached to an insurance policy that modifies the policy by changing the coverage afforded under the policy.

What is the Meaning of home insurance endorsement 10194 cancellation amendment added. what you cannot answer a simple question?

If there is an endorsement name and number on the Declarations page, then there should be a corresponding page in the contract describing this endorsement. If you are not able to locate it, contact your agent or state department of insurance. Endorsement names and numbers vary by company, and each company often changes this identification by state. Based on the phrase "cancellation amendment added", it probably has something to do with the circumstances under which you or the insurance company is able to cancel the policy.

Can your insurance be canceled if you still own the home but am in a nursing home?

Your Home Insurance would not be cancelled due to the owner having moved into a nursing home. However, If the home is now vacant, been rented out or occupied by a different person. Failure to notify the Insurance company of a change in occupancy or other associated risk factors are grounds for cancelling a home insurance policy. Under the terms of your insuring contract (Policy), You are required to notify the Insurance Company of any change in occupancy because this also changes the risk factors associated with your policy. A Vacant home for example, requires a vacancy endorsement to maintain coverage. Occupancy by another or rental homes require a Tenant Occupancy endorsement. Hope this helps.

What is an endorsement to a insurance short term policy?

It amends the policy

What is the Chase Mortgage insurance check endorsement address?

Chase Home Finance Loss Draft Department PO Box 47607 Atlanta, GA 30362

What is an uninsured motorist endorsement?

An uninsured motorist endorsement is an added insurance policy for motorists. It covers injuries that have resulted from a collision by an uninsured driver.

Do insurance companies pay for your tree which way blown down by wind?

They wont cover it with a regular HO(Home owners) Policy, you wound need to buy and endorsement.

Where can one obtain insurance for their customised autos?

Many insurance agencies will allow you to add on an endorsement to your current insurance. One should check with their current insurance carrier first before switching. One wants to make sure that the endorsement covers at least as much as the added customizations cost.

Can a homeowner be sued by workers injured while working in their home?

Yes. It's a good idea to require that they carry Workers Compensation and that the insurance company name you as Additional Insured by endorsement - don't just accept a certificate that says so - ask for a copy of the endorsement.