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Q: What is Occurrence Limit for physical insurance?
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What insurance companies offer cargo insurance of 50000 or more?

Cargo insurance above 50k limit isn't uncommon and there are tons of insurance carriers who will write it. What might make it more difficult to find an insurance carrier for this would be if the cargo was high theft risk, high fire risk, etc. An insurance broker should very easily be able to help you buy cargo insurance. We have previously written cargo insurance up to 2M limits with no issues on high risk items, so it shouldn't be tough for you to line up 50k worth of coverage.

What type of insurance do you need for a cleaning business?

In general, cleaning services are not licensed by governmental entities. Therefore, there will usually not be a state mandate for insurance. That said, it is often helpful for marketing of your business to have insurance. This is because the customer has a level of assurance that they have a source of recovery in case something gets broken or is found to be missing as a result of your visit to perform services. Without insurance, if the breakage or disappearance is found to be your fault, you will be personally responsible for the payment of damages to the customer. "Damages" is usually measured by the value of the item as of the time of the occurrence. There are a number of insurance coverages that would be useful: 1. General liability: In general, this covers a wide range of losses that may be your fault. Some include damage to person or property as a result of your operations. In purchasing this kind of insurance, it is important to understand what constitutes an "occurrence" as defined in the policy. This is because only an "occurrence" triggers coverage by the policy. The insurance agent from whom you buy the policy should be able to explain it. This is not a kind of policy that you should try to buy yourself without the aid of an experienced agent. 2. Fidelity bond: A "bond" is similar, but has some differences from insurance. For our purposes, they are similar enough to be discussed together. A fidelity bond can be useful if you are left in a home alone to do your work and one or more items are found missing when you leave. One of the significant differences between this and insurance is that a bond often requires you to repay the bonding company if it is required to pay the costomer for the loss. 3. In all event, it is critical that you deal only with an authorized insurer. That is, you have to ensure that the insurer is legitimate and not a scam. One of the ways to identify a legitimate insurer is by contacting the insurance regulator in your state to make sure that the company is licensed to sell insurance in your state. If it is, you have some assurance of financial stability to pay claims.

Does homeowners insurance pay for loss of personal property in the homeowners apartment in another city?

Yes. For a theft loss, conditions and limitations on the amount of coverage may be applicable. Additonally, many policies limit the amount of coverage to 10% of the total policy limit for contents for all covered losses away from the residence premises. //

What disadvantages of self insurance?

Insurance in general is the protection of financial loss. If you are self-insured you might be sued for more than the actual loss. You may be taken to civil court for more than physical damages. If you do go to court the cost of you lawyer is a problem. Insurance companies have figured this into the premiums and they have lawyers that already are familiar with the problems of insurance suits.I am not a lawyer but just a consumer. So, please continue your search.

AOY Limit in Liability Insurance?

There are Two breakup in liability insurance - AOA - Any one Accident - AOY - Any one Year - Generaly insurance company will ask you to specify the Sum limit for both option. Exp . AOA - 10000 Rupees. mean any accident will have maximum cap of 10000 Rs. as sum insured Exp. 2. AOY - 20000 Rupees, means in a insured year you can have maximum claim amount of Rs. 20000 irrespective of number of accident in year. and above that Insurance companies allow you to choose this AOA and AOY in certain ratio like 1:1 or 1:2 or 1:3 or 1:4 etc. Rakesh Choudhary Business Analyst - P&C

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What does Aggregate mean in general liability?

In a insurance policy, the limit of liability is often expressed as a value per occurrence and a separate value as an aggregate limit. The policy will pay no more than the per occurrence limit for each covered occurrence Further, the pay no more than the aggregate limit for all claims during the policy period. On an insurance policy it would often be expressed as $1,000,000/$2,000,000 occurrence / aggregate The numbers listed above could be replaced by any other number, however the aggregate limit will never be less than the per occurrence limit. Alternatively, the limit could be split between per claim and aggregate instead of per occurrence and aggregate This has no effect on the meaning of aggregate in the policy. Mark Walters, ARM AAI West Insurance Group In a nutshell, aggregate means the total paid out for all incidents during the policy period. In the above example you could have 2 claims during the insured period for $1m each but not 3, as 3 x $1m is more than the aggregate limit.

How does commercial general aggregate insurance protect the customer?

The aggregate limit can be higher than the per occurrence limit of the policy, thus providing additional coverage should multiple claims be filed against the insured.

How much does a general liability carpenters insurance cost with bodily injury combined single limit 500000.00 minimum per occurrence 100000.00 per person 300000.00 each occurrence?

Depends on your payroll, rough or trim carpentry, who you are working for, etc.

What does each occurrence mean in liability insurance?

An occurrence is a loss, or a claim filed on the policy.

What is commercial general aggregate insurance?

There are two limits of commercial liability insurance that you need to consider when purchasing a policy. The first is what the policy will pay max for one loss during the policy term. This is called the Occurrence limit. The second is what the policy will pay out max for multiple losses. This is called the Aggregate limit. For example a policy may have a $500,000 occurrence limit with a $1,000,000 aggregate limit. This would mean that the policy would pay out a max of $500,000 for any one claim during the policy term and they would pay out a max of $1,000,000 total for all claims during the policy period. Your state insurance department is your best resource for insurance-related questions and concerns. Find information on insurance companies and agents, rate quotes and comparisons, insurance buying tips, claims filing information and much more! State Insurance Department websites: Visit the Related Links for a link to the site.

What does per occurrence mean in insurance?

Per Occurrence in insurance means its time an event occurs. Consumers often see this on auto insurance, when they find out the deductible amount they will pay each time they have a wreck.

Is the 2 year statute of limitation on an insurance claim ending on the date of the occurrence or the day the claim was filed?

The statute of limitations for filing an insurance claim in most U.S. states is 2 years from the "date of occurrence".

How much life insurance can you buy without taking a physical examination?

You may be able to qualify for up to $250,000 or more of term life insurance online without having to take a physical exam. Some insurers offer you instant issue life insurance with no physical. You answer a few health questions and they decide within minutes, based on your answers, whether you qualify for the life insurance coverage. You may be able to apply for the policy online, pay your first month's premium using your credit card, and begin your coverage the same day. It depends on the insurance company. Buy an insurance coverage whose total sum insured is less than or equal to free-cover limit or non-medical limit.

What is the difference between an occurrence and an accident on an auto insurance policy?

In some instances these can be interchangeable but in certain cases they are not. For example, an accident can be an occurrence but a tree falling on a parked vehicle while it is an occurrence, it is not an accident. I hope this helps you.

Will insurance pay if you do not have a police report?

Police reports are not necessary, insurance companies can recreate the occurrence from the damage on the vehicle and determine who is at fault.

Does the general aggregate limit apply to products-completed operations?

Your general liability policy contains three separate limits. A per occurrence limit (Max paid out for any one occurrence) Aggregate (Max pay out for multiple policies on claim) Products and completed ops aggregate (Can reduce amount paid for product or operations claims, to below the other aggregate limit or even the per occurrence limit. Lack of products and completed ops coverage can also be a problem which would show no product and completed ops limit. yes - there is a separate aggregate for products coverage and premises operations.

What does ''Catastrophic limit per person'' mean on an insurance plan?

On a health plan that is the limit the insurance company will pay over any period of time.