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The SBA's guidelines for smallness are as follows:

a. Manufacturing: maximum number of employees: 500

b. Wholesale trade: maximum number of employees: 100

c. Agriculture: maximum annual receipts of up to $750,000

d. Retailing: maximum annual sales or receipts of $7 million

e. General construction: maximum average annual receipts of $33.5 million

f. Dredging: maximum average annual receipts of $20 million

g. Special trade construction: maximum average annual sales of up to $14 million

h. Travel agencies: maximum average annual receipts of $3.5 million

i. Business and personal services: maximum annual receipts of up to $7 million, except for

architectural, engineering, surveying, mapping, dry cleaning, and carpet cleaning: up to

$4.5 million

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Q: What information would you need to determine whether a particular business is small according to SBA guidelines?
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Where can one find business insurance services?

One can find business insurance services by contacting a business insurance agent. They can answer questions about business insurance and determine the best kind for a particular business.

How can you find out who owns a property that has been abandoned for a long time?

Land information/title websites on the internet details property information.. Google it. Although the foregoing is a possibility, the more direct route is to check the website of the tax assessor or county recorder of the county in which the property is located. There will likely be an option to check by street address, enter it, and you should be able to determine the owner of record.

What does it mean when your insurance company says your policy has been cancelled for lack of underwriting information?

When an insurance company states that your policy has been cancelled due to lack of underwriting information, it means that they have not received the necessary information or documentation required to assess and evaluate the risk associated with providing insurance coverage to you. Underwriting information typically includes details about your personal and financial background, as well as any additional information relevant to assessing your insurance application. Without this information, the insurance company cannot properly determine the level of risk involved in insuring you, leading them to cancel your policy.

What insurance companies do not use credit score to figure premiums?

Most insurance companies utilize your credit score to an extent. They use what is called an insurance score to help determine the likelihood of you filing a claim. The information that is essentially used will include things such as the amount of debt you have, the types of debt you have, and how long you've had credit.

What is a NAICS lookup code used for?

A North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) lookup code is used for statistical purposes. United States businesses are classified in specific NAICS industries, and this information is used to determine the eligibility for certain government contracts. The U.S. Census Bureau, among other statistical agencies, collect and analyse data about the economy of the United States.

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It varies according to the enabling statutes of the various states. You must check you own state statutes to determine the proper procedure for your particular state.

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