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You can purchase an Excess/Umbrella policy to increase your liability limits.

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Q: What if the products completed operations aggregate amount is insufficient?
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Why is products and completed operations liability relevant?

Depending on your business, this provides coverage for the work performed once it has been completed. For example, a mason who builds a wall, which soon after falls down due to faulty workmanship would be covered under this category. Any damage or injury caused because of this would be protected here. This, however, is NOT a warranty, meaning it does not cover the wall; just the damage or injury caused because of it falling on other people or other property.

What is 'retail operations'?

Store operations is exactly what it is: operating and overseeing all the functions of the store from setting up shop, deciding what type of store you want, what products you want to sell, deciding on what type of customers you are trying to attract into your store (young, old, fat, skinny, thrifty or extravagant), then ordering the products, hiring personnel, pricing the products, deciding on a location, taking an inventory, advertising the products, etc... and it would be categorized as a "business".

What kinds of business rely on franchising?

The largest percentages of franchise operations are in the recreation, entertainment, and travel fields, followed closely by business services, nonfood retailing, and automotive products and services

What type of services or products are provided by Alpine Access?

Alpine Access offer call centre operations to large companies. They employ people either in a call centre environment or working from home over the internet.

What are the primary activity in value chain?

The primary value chain activities are: * Inbound Logistics: the receiving and warehousing of raw materials, and their distribution to manufacturing as they are required. * Operations: the processes of transforming inputs into finished products and services. * Outbound Logistics: the warehousing and distribution of finished goods. * Marketing & Sales: the identification of customer needs and the generation of sales. * Service: the support of customers after the products and services are sold to them.

Related questions

Does the general aggregate limit apply to products-completed operations?

Your general liability policy contains three separate limits. A per occurrence limit (Max paid out for any one occurrence) Aggregate (Max pay out for multiple policies on claim) Products and completed ops aggregate (Can reduce amount paid for product or operations claims, to below the other aggregate limit or even the per occurrence limit. Lack of products and completed ops coverage can also be a problem which would show no product and completed ops limit. yes - there is a separate aggregate for products coverage and premises operations.

What is class code 96317 for General Liability Insurance -?

Inspection and Appraisal 96317 Companies-Inspecting for Insurance or Valuation Purposes - Products - completed operations for this classification are subject to the General Aggregate Limit

What is products completed operations insurance?

Product completed operations insurance is a liability insurance that covers manufacturers and contractors. This protects the insured in the claims brought by the products they have distributed, handled or sold.

What is products completed operations mean?

Products and completed operations insurance coverage means that you will be protected for a product that you sell, in the event the item causes damage or injury. Suppose you manufactured and distributed a toy, and a child choked on it, that would be a product liability.

What is products-completed operations mean?

Products and completed operations insurance coverage means that you will be protected for a product that you sell, in the event the item causes damage or injury. Suppose you manufactured and distributed a toy, and a child choked on it, that would be a product liability.

Do dentists need Products-completed operations insurance?

Yes. In addition to Malpractice coverage for the services performed, dentists need to have Products & Completed Operations coverage for the products, medicines and other goods sold to the general public (such as at-home teeth whitening systems, mouth guards, etc). The only exception would be if your Malpractice coverage will pick up the incidental products exposure for the sale of these products in your practice.

What is the general liability class code for vacant land?

49451. Vacant land. Rural including products and/or completed operations

Does products and completed operations coverage cover nurses and other attendents?

The General Liability policy that provides "Products & Completed Operations" coverage also includes an exclusion that would prohibit coverage for Medical Malpractice or Professional or Medical Services. I'm not entirely clear on what type of claim scenario you are inquiring about, however if you are asking if the Products & Completed Operations liability would provide coverage if your nurse fails to properly care for a patient, and that patient subsequently dies or is injured, the answer is no. You would need to obtain Professional Liability coverage (Med Mal) for those services.

Where in a Commercial General Liability policy with Products and completed operations coverage would a General Contractor be covered for defective workmanship and building code violations?

Defective Workman ship is not covered.

Ways the products can be used?

Bad question. Insufficient information.

What does contractor liability insurance cover?

Contractor liability insurance typically covers property damage and bodily injury. It also will cover products and completed operations as well as personal and advertising injury.

What manufacturing costs that are assigned to completed but unsold products can classified as?

All manufacturing costs that are assigned to completed (but unsold) products should be classified as