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THERE ARE NUMBER OF FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED BEFORE CHOOSING A SITE FOR BUSINESS AS FOLLOWS [A] Availability of custom.[B]Availability of raw material; [c]Infrastructure;[D]Availability of labour both skilled and unskilled.These are some of factors depending on nature of your bussiness.

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Q: What factors are involved in choosing a location for your business?
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Factors when choosing a business location?

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a business location. Some of them include nearness to the market, security, population of the place, demand of your core business and so much more.

Factors for choosing a suitable business location?

Choosing your business location requires quite a bit of research, especially into the area in which you want to open your store You must consider whether people will see your business and the other business around your business that sells the same as you do

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Establishing a business of your own is not easy, but if guided by business principles and procedures, you can do it. in running and choosing a business, you need to consider the following: # Availability of Resources. # Market Demands. # Current Business Trends. # Good Location. # Capital or Fund.

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