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Q: What exists when only one company provides a product or service without competition?
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Related questions

Why is business monopoly good for businesses?

It isn't, in practice. A monopoly, a single company controlling a commodity or product, will provide all the profit to that company. But without any competition the company will have no need to improve the product or service or the cost of that service or product, thus innovation is stifled. Healthy competition therefor improves the service or product and fosters invention and entrepreneurship.

Which company provides the best digimap services?

The matter of fact is that DigiMap is a product of the company EDINA which is the only company that contributes this product and therefore is the only and best company that provides this service.

What are the types of competition faced by a company?

Some of the types of competition faced by a company include similar services or goods produced by a rival company. Another type of competition arises where a very different product or service threatens to nullify the need for a company's existing product. For example, cellphones reduced the need to have pagers.

Is symphony services is an IT product company or service company?

Service company. Offshore product development sector

What is the difference between a service company and a retail company?

Retail company provides goods for you to buy... for example, clothing stores. Service company provides you a service... for example, a cable television provider.

Describe what you should do when a customer complains to you about a product or service that your company provides?

Consider the complaint to be helpful feedback that can lead to a better product or service and better customer relationships. Also, don't take the complaint or the anger personally.

Difference beteween a product development company and IT service company?

Product based company is one which develops the its own products like hardware monitors , keyboard etc . Product based company uses there own idea to introduce theire product and they work on them from scratch to product. whereas Project based companies provides services to those products or to projects which were developed by other companies.

Is supplier a common noun?

Yes, the noun 'supplier' is a common noun, a general word for a company, organization, or country that provides or sells a product or a service.

What is the antonym for the term Monopoly?

Competition or competitors would be a good start. Since a monopoly is when a single entity provides a good or service (such as the power company), the opposite of that would be multiple entities providing the same good or service.

What service does the company Bretton provide?

Bretton Woods Telphone Company provides telephone service. Bretton Woods Telephone Company provides this telephone service to people living in Bretton Woodsn New Hampshire.

What kind of product does the company Corporate Image provide?

The company Corporate Image provides a service as a promotional products agency which many companies lack in their overall marketing mix. The promotional product ensures to give a brand a distinct look.

What benefits do consumers receive as a result of competition in private sector markets?

Suppliers compete for consumer's business and has to outperform each other with respect to:quality of product and/or service,product price,ease of obtaining the service or product,utility of the product or service,after sales service, etc.All these aspects ensures a better consumer experience.In the absence of competition, the consumer is alone in negotiating with the supplier, who then has a monopoly.