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To diversify, start additional activities such as exporting, retailing, and adding new products such as sports equipment, sport drinks, disco clubs etc.

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Q: What does it mean to business to extend business activities into different areas?
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What kinds of area?

There are different types of areas such as residential areas, commercial areas, industrial areas, recreational areas, and conservation areas. Each type of area serves a specific purpose and accommodates different activities.

What is function areas in a business?

A functional area in a business is basically different sectors which make the business work such as the Finance department which will be responsible for funding the business as a whole.

What is the busiest part of the brain.?

Different activities activate different areas of the brain. Sight and sound are located in different areas. I do better reading than listening. just ask my wife.

Why do you have functional areas?

Functional areas help to organize and coordinate activities within an organization by grouping together related tasks and responsibilities. This structure enables effective decision-making, enhances communication, and allows for specialization and expertise in different areas of the business. Functional areas also promote efficiency and accountability by clearly defining roles and goals.

How can you manage your business?

You can manage your business just by looking at its different areas such as in sales, profit, growth projections, manpower, etc.

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Pros data software allows companies to strategies their potential in many different areas of business. Business logic is helped by the Pros data Software.

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Because most homes don't have enough areas devoted to different activities.

When would you not shake hands?

* If a person does not extend their hand to be shaken then don't shake their hand. If you are making a deal in business or if you have made up with a friend (especially males) then you can extend your hand to be shaken. Shaking hands is to seal a deal of good faith in all areas of society.

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SAP stands for System Application Product in Data Processing which, a business application software, helps to optimize business.

Business and residential areas have a speed limit of mph?

Different countries - and even different cities within the same country - have different speed limits.

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areas of concern for business ethics