product is tangible and service is intangible.
Importing and exporting usually refer to trade between countris. Importing is when a country brings products or services from another country into the country and exporting is when the country sends products or servieces to other countries.
The crossing of the borders by the traders to sell certain goods is an example of direct exporting.
an EMC might specialize in exporting personal computer business software, MS-DOS format, to educational institutional customers in Asian-Pacific countries
To diversify, start additional activities such as exporting, retailing, and adding new products such as sports equipment, sport drinks, disco clubs etc.
Importing a file is taking a file from somewhere, i.e., downloading something from your school district's H: drive. Exporting is technically taking a file off of your computer and uploading onto a website or somehing similar.
When you move files from one program to another what you doing is exporting the file from one program and importing it into the other program
The advantage of exporting a table in HTML is that you could easily manipulate it. You could also show it in a website.
You can extract contacts by exporting them. A CSV file is a database file that is formed. You could export that data in your Blackberry.
It stands for Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.
The lite version does not have file exporting.
The main reason for exporting is to take the file for editing into another application. For example, if you are working on a file in Photoshop, it is a PSD file. The PSD is Photoshop's special format that contains layer information, applied filters, and other info specific to Photoshop. Now if you wanted to take the image to a web-ready format, you would have to export it. In this case to a GIF, JPEG, or other web standard format.
Yes, contacts can be transferred from blackberry to Gmail. You have to create a CSV file in phone by exporting contacts. The CSV file can be extracted by gmail.
Pages does not support exporting as a TIFF. If a TIFF file is essential then you can export as a PDF from Pages, open the PDF in Preview and Save As... a TIFF from Preview.
We are exporting three truckloads of goods today. The exporting business can be pretty tricky.
Where are you exporting from China? What are you exporting to US?