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Q: What do you do if a customer wants a product you no longer sell?
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Customer response while you sell the product through phones?"

What is a good salesman?

Understand the products you sell is #1 then shutting up and listening to what the customer wants is #2. Being able to match customer rquirements to product offerings is #3.

Difference between up selling and cross selling?

Cross sell is when customer comes up to buy something and we sell completely a different product (not similar) For Example: Customer wants to buy Quatrro and we sell Convergys. Up sell is when customer comes to buy something and we sell the similar product but expensive one. For Example Customer wants Oxicogen and we sell him Quatrro which is much more expensive.

What is the process for getting FDA approval for a new product?

The process for getting FDA approval for a new product depends on the product one wants to sell. If one wants to sell a medicine related product his/her product gets testes in safety and effectiveness area.

What selling point would you use if you were to sell our product to our potential customers?

One of the key aspects of the role you have applied for is to be able to sell products and services to our customers using a conversational style of selling. Please provide an example of when you have had to persuade a customer to buy a product or service which they may not have previously wanted or known about and what was the result?

What are some tips to get the edge in the sales field?

To be a good salesman or better than others, it never hurts if one practices proper hygiene and has great charismatic skills. One should sell a quality product with a desirable price. One should make the customer feel good, don't force the sell. If the customer truly wants the product, they will buy it.

What customer segments does your company sell your product to?

WikiAnswers is a question and answer website. We do not sell any products to anybody.

A customer wants to buy a large quantity of a particular item You only have a few on hand Further the customer wants a discount for buying so many What would you do?

If I sell the product, I would know at least a few of my competitors selling this product too. I would become a buyer to that seller and ask the same question as above ( Just if they have valid stock). In this case I would want to deal with aims to retain the customer and not over emphasize on increasing profit margins.

What does a producer and a consumer have in common?

The product - One wants to sell it the other to buy

What is the difference between dealer and customer?

The dealer is the person selling a product / service or making deals with customers to sell some thing. The customer is the person buying the product / service.

What are the resposabilities of a sales person?

His primary responsibility is to persuade the customer and sell his product. But at any cost, that should not be a moment of irritating the customer

What are 3 tasks which are carried out in the sales department?

Greet the customer, target their needs, sell them your product.