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What is rosalies husband name?

His name was Royce King,

What is Rosalies real life name?

Nikki reed

What company douse your dad work?

My father is dead. Thanks for asking.

What is rosalies ex husbands name?

His name was Royce King,

What is was Rosalies full name when she was human?

Rosalie Lillian Hale

Where did Anne Franks father work?

anne franks father, otto worked at a company called opteka works it was a company that made fruit nectar called pectin.

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What is Rosalies cullens name in the movie twilight?

Her name is Rosalie Hale.

Where is rosalies story in the Stephenie myer books?

It is in Eclipse. It's in the middle of the book.

Were was Edward when he got rosalies call?

He was in an attic in an urban city in South America.

In the book twilight What color is Rosalies dress at prom?

Rosalie's dress was red.

Jasper and Rosalies last name?

Jasper and Rosalie's last name is Hale.