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severe aids, the diarrhea and dieing......

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Q: What are the consequences of a business failing to meet its aims and objectives?
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Why have aims and objectives?

Without Aims and Objectives how do you know where your business is heading for the future. You need it achieve your aims of the business.

Why do business's need to set aims and objectives?

Businesses need to set aims and objectives because without aims and objectives there is no meaning to the business. Aims and objectives give meaning to success of planning, directing, staffing, organizations and controlling.

Example of aims and objectives of a business?

aim is objectives

Why are aims and objectives important to a business?

Aims and objectives are important to a business because it gives them a 'sense of direction'- in other words, it shows a business what its goals are and what the business wants to do. There are different types of objectives businesses have and range from corporate objectives that focus on what the business wants to achieve as a whole. Financial objectives that show a business what financial position a firm aims to be in. Other objectives include marketing objectives and HR objectives.

Explain the objectives of business organisation?

these are the goals of the business.they are the outcome or targets that the business wants to gain in order to achieve its aims. the objectives of a business can be derived from its aims.

Why do different sectors of businesses have different aims and objectives?

they have different aims and objectives because they all do different things. Aims and objectives depends on the sector and they type of business

What are the aims and objectives?

The aims and objectives for business are usually revolving around money or sales. These aims and objectives include selling product efficiently and making the most money possible.

Audis business aims aims and objectives?

to be the best in the world for selling cars

Why Businesses change their aims and objectives overtime?

The business environment changes everyday, in order for a company to keep in sync with the business environment they must set themselfs aims and objectives that need to be met. Once aims and objectives have been met, the company can then set new aims and objectives. Hope that answered your question.

What are the business aims and objectives of a community cafe?


What is meant by business aims?

The long term goals of a business are the aims and the objectives are the short term steps you take to get there.

What happens if a business does not have aims and objectives?

Generally speaking a business without the basic aims and objectives of doing business is a plan for disaster. A business needs these vital items to fully succeed in making profits and to keep the business open and active.