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The advantage would be for the spouse if you reside in a community property state where survivorship goes to the spouse should a death occur and property is divided 50/50% in cases of divorce.

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Q: What are the benefits of adding a spouse name to a house deed?
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How do you get your spouse out of the house If he is not on the deed or loan. The house was bought before marriage?

Get a restraining order.

In Texas can a spouse whose name is on the deed and mortgage sell their house without the other spouse consent?

If both names are on the deed, then both signatures are required. If the spouse has signed a quit claim deed to the home, then the other does not need consent.

When adding a spouse to a title or deed only can that person claim the house on taxes or can only the mortgage holder do that?

One person at a time depending on the state. or both together on a joint return.

Do you need an attorney to remove spouse's name from house deed?

You need the spouse to sign a quit claim deed, which can be prepared by a title company or anyone that knows how to fill out the form.

In Ohio if your spouse dies and you both own the house what does the survivng spouse have to do to keep the house?

Usually the mortage is set up as a survivors deed. This means that if one person dies, the spouce receives the deed in their own name. If this is not the case and the house wasn't willed to the other spouse, then it will have to be taken up in Probate Court.

SHow do I sign over house to spouse?

Fill out a Quit Claim Deed - have it notarized!!

If you have a house before you were married in nys does it get split in a divorce?

No, not unless you put your spouse on the deed.

Are you liable if you are getting a divorce and your house is facing foreclosure but your name is not on the deed?

Getting a devorce and house is facing forclosure but my name is not on deed. Am I liable.

If you own a house with your spouse and are in the process of getting divorced and the house sold before the divorce do you still split the proceeds?

If both of you signed the deed to the house you are entitled to half. However if your spouse owned the house before you were married it belongs to him.

If your spouse dies what happens to the house in Michigan?

Normally the spouse inherits the house. By law in Michigan a married couple should own the property as Tenants by the Entirety, which means that it transfers upon the death of the other spouse. Check the deed to insure that is so.

Alabama - If spouse is being sued for his own credit card debt and you own a house together would it be a good idea to do a quitclaim deed for you?

yesget the quick claim deed

When adding a name to a deed of a house does that make that person part owner?

Yes. They will become an owner until they convey their interest to someone else by deed.