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Q: What are the aims of sole trading concern?
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The similarities between partnerships and sole trading?

sole trading concern partnership and sole trading concern

What is sole trading concern?

single ownership or sole trading concern is run by an individual who enjoys the all profit and bears the all losses

Merits of sole trading concern?

less chance of conflict

What is Sole Trading?

Sole trading is business, run by single or individual person who control all business activities. Another name for sole trading are single entreprenuership, individual proprietorship.

How are the profits divided in a sole trading business?

how are the profits divioded in a sloe trading buisness

Who was trading a primary concern of?

Trading was a primary concern of early settlers because the resources they brought with them were quite limited. By trading with natives and those they came upon, they were able to sustain themselves and thrive.

What is theTitle of head person in sole trading?


An example of a sole trader?

Examples could be ;Plumbing sole trading businessesGardenersDecoratorsNews agentsAny businesses that say Limited (ltd.) for short, show that they are owned by sole traders.

What concern would Arabian nomads have the most?

the most important would be trading animals for supplies

What financial statement is prepared first in accounting?

for a manufacturing concern it will be a manufacturing account and for a non manufacturing concern it will be a trading account or a profit and loss account or income and expenditure account.

Where can one learn about currency trading?

Knowledge to Action holds a free Forex workshop which aims to teach people how to increase profits and decrease loses. It teaches people about trading and in specific, foreign exchange.

Aims and objectives of a sole trader?

Survive, Break even cover all costs, customer service, expansion to partnership and market leader [eventually]