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Secondary stakeholders also are important because they often can be primary stakeholders, too. For instance, people who live in the vicinity of a company care about the company's effects on the local environment and economy. However, those same people may be employed by the company or own stock in it, so they have a direct financial interest in it. Conversely, they can impact the company financially by pulling out their investments in it.

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Q: What are secondary stakeholders?
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Is SABMiller's customers their secondary stakeholders?

Customers are primary stakeholders.

Define primary and secondary stakeholders?

Primary stakeholders are individuals or groups who are directly affected by the actions of an organization and have a significant interest in its activities, such as customers, employees, and shareholders. Secondary stakeholders are those who are indirectly affected by the organization, such as the government, media, or local communities, and may have a lesser interest in its operations.

Meant by the terms primary secondary and tertiary stakeholder?

The terms Primary, Secondary and Tertiary with respect to Project Stakeholders refers to the 3 most important stakeholders in a project in their order of importance. Usually the Project Manager, Project Customer and the Project Management Office are the 3 most important stakeholders in a project in order.

Types of stakeholders?

There are two type of stakeholders which are internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Thank you

Are all internal stakeholders primary stakeholders?

No, government and creditor are the external stakeholders.

What do certain stakeholders have the most influence of in business?

Owners have a big say in how the aims of the business are decided, but other groups also have an influence over decision making. For example, the directors who manage the day-to-day affairs of a company may decide to make higher sales a top priority rather than profits. Customers are also key stakeholders. Businesses that ignore the concerns of customers find themselves losing sales to rivals. In a small business, the most important or primary stakeholders are the owners, staff and customers. In a large company, shareholders are the primary stakeholders as they can vote out directors if they believe they are running the business badly. Less influential stakeholders are called secondary stakeholders.

Who are the business stakeholders?

Stakeholders in a business are any entity that is effected by the operations of that business in some way. The most obvious stakeholders are employees, owners, and customers. Other stakeholders are indirect stakeholders such as competitors, the neighborhood the business is in, the government, and the environment.

Why stakeholders are important in the change process?

Stakeholders and change management

What are the benefits of privatization to stakeholders in Zimbabwe?

It makes the stakeholders rich.

How do three primary stakeholders capital market organizational product market influence the organization?

1. Capital market stakeholders 2. Product market stakeholders and 3.Organizational stakeholders

Which stakeholders are most important?

The stakeholders that are the most important are the ones that hold controlling interests in a company. These stakeholders can change the makeup of a company.

What is an Example of a stakeholder?

Project SponsorProject TeamCustomerUsersIdentifying all the project stakeholders might be a difficult task, but the following are the obvious stakeholders in any project:Project SponsorProject ManagerPMOProject TeamProgram Manager (If Applicable)Portfolio Manager (If Applicable)Portfolio Review BoardFunctional ManagerOperational ManagementSellersBusiness PartnersCustomers