Relating to, or being a bank or banking
cotton,jute,silk,woolen textiles,sugar and edible oil etc are examples of agro based industries.
Examples of primary industries can be: Farming, fishing, forestry, mining and quarrying. any industry that involves extraction of raw materials can be identified as primary industries.
Selling furniture, jewelry, clothing and other consumables. MG=))) margiemarj
8 examples of typical service industriesFinancial servicesMaid serviceRestaurantsHospitality occupationsLawn care, landscape and gardening servicesTourism (travel agencies)Advertising ServicesHousekeeping
basic industry - working in the mine , jobs like this are called basic jobs , because they provide the money needed to support the local economy . non-basic industry - cooks in restaurant , jobs like this are in non-basic industry , since they do not bring new money into the local money , instead they recycle the money that is already there .
Relating to, or being a bank or banking
There are so many examples of large industries. The major ones include oil industry, auto-mobile industry, manufacturing and processing industries among others.
Industries include what makes the country run. Some examples include oil, zinc, sulfur, fluroine, pashmina, etc.
cotton,jute,silk,woolen textiles,sugar and edible oil etc are examples of agro based industries.
these industries include research, developement. Examples are ICT consultants, medical research and product developers. Does that help at all??
A paper industry.
Hydroelectric plants.
Computer manufacturing or Chemical Plants
example of large scale industry