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Q: Production industries make up approximately what percentage of all small businesses?
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What is the percentage of international companies in the world?

As of current data, international companies make up approximately 25-30% of all companies worldwide. This percentage includes businesses that operate in multiple countries or have a global presence in terms of markets, production, or distribution. The number can vary due to factors such as globalization trends and economic conditions.

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According to the US small business administration approximately what percentage of small businesses fail within the first five years?


What percentage of corn is used for ethanol in the US?

Approximately 38% of corn produced in the US is used for ethanol production.

What percentage of businesses in the US are small businesses?

50 %

What percentage of our energy is coal?

Approximately 23% of the energy in the United States is generated from coal.

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The percentage of oxygen in inhaled air by humans is approximately 21%. This oxygen is then absorbed by the lungs and transported by the blood to the cells where it is used for energy production in the body.

What percentage of businesses are sole proprietorships?

Seventy percent

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Roughly 2% percent of all businesses in the U.S. are Corporations.

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