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If I work in a public house what is the nature of my bussiness

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Q: Nature of business when working in a pub?
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Survival of the fittest meant that be best businessmen would survive. The working out of the law of nature and the law of God meant respecting our surroundings and acting ethically. This is what JD Rockefeller was referring to when he was talking about business.

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The nature of the business, seasonality of production and the production cycles are some of the factors that determine the working capital requirements of a firm.

What is the meaning of the nature of business?

The nature of business is what kind of business are you doing in your job. For example you work in McDonalds so the nature of business is the food service.

What is the meaning of nature of business?

The nature of business is what kind of business are you doing in your job. For example you work in McDonalds so the nature of business is the food service.

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In Business and Industry, if you work at Microsoft, then the nature of your business is software.

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Can you run a pub without a license?

No, you need a business license to run any type of business, check with the City Hall in your city to inquire about obtaining one. Also, if you are running a pub, you'll need a separate license to serve and sell alcohol.