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No. There is a Nine Lives Foundation Animal Shelter that is shuttering. There is no business connection between 9 Lives Cat Food and the Nine Lives Foundation Animal Shelter.

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Q: Is 9lives cat food going out of business?
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How can somebody start their own cat sitting business?

The cat sitting buisness can be started by any individual who has love for animals by posting ads on the notice boards in super markets and apartments. they can also start by giving offers and low charges initially to pick up customers.

What does the term cat's paw mean?

A person who is duped, or fooled into being a tool for another. It comes from a fable in which a money used a cats paw to pull nuts from a fire.

Is Luckordis International a legitimate mail forwarding company?

NO Luckordis International is definitely not legitamate. They will send you electronics to forward but you will not be paid as promised. I would suggest you starting up with them and keeping anything they send you. Otherwise you will be sorry. -I made the mistake of thinking that it was going to happen and it didnt keep everything and do not return their e-mails they will send laptops and digital cameras still in the manufacturers packaging. Whatever you do do not forward the merchandise! This is possibly highly illegal. NO they are not. All merchandise arriving at your HOME is "probably" purchased with a STOLEN credit card. Remember, any investigation will trail right to YOUR front door. You unknowingly repackage this STOLEN merchandise, use your time and gas to take this package to the Post Office and mail to some fat cat in Russia. You will be promised good money, but it will never come. So STAY away from Luckordis. If they contact you because they found your resume on one of the job sites, remember this " RUN FOREST RUN!". NO, NO, NO they are not. As soon as I started complaining about not receiving any pay, they actually contacted a shipper and had the package redelivered somewhere else so I could not keep it. Now of course they wont even answer my e mails. The men involved are OLIVER KAHN and BRUCE BUEL, so BEWARE if you receive info asking if you would like to make money from home, do NOT do it. I suspect now, this is probably illegal, and I am ashamed to say I fell for it. So just to try to make myself feel a little better I contacted the FBI! And guess what, the FBI knows all about LUCKORDIS!!!!! This company in Russia is SO crooked, I even contacted CAREER BUILDRES and told them. That is how I obtain the information. Luckorids found my resume on Career Bullders. B E W A R E !! Career Builders IS investigating.

Can a merchant ask for additional id when a credit card is used?

AnswerNO . Merchants who accept credit cards CANNOT set their own requirements for assuring that a person has authorization to use the card being submitted.Any Merchant in the US CANNOT ask for an I.Dhe MasterCard Merchant Rules Manual provides as follows:9.11.2 Cardholder IdentificationA merchant must not refuse to complete a MasterCard card transaction solelybecause a cardholder who has complied with the conditions for presentmentof a card at the POI [point of interaction] refuses to provide additional identification information, except as specifically permitted or required by the Standards. A merchant may require additional identification from the cardholder if the information is required to complete the transaction, such as for shipping purposes. A merchant in a country or region that supports use of the MasterCard Address Verification Service (AVS) may require the cardholder's ZIP or postal code to complete a cardholder-activated terminal (CAT) transaction, or the cardholder's address and ZIP or postal code to complete a mail order, phone order, or e-commerce transaction.( Rules for Visa Merchants provides:When should you ask a cardholder for an official government ID? Although Visarules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchantscannot make an ID a condition of acceptance. Therefore, merchants cannotrefuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses toprovide ID. Visa believes merchants should not ask for ID as part of theirregular card acceptance procedures. Laws in several states also make it illegalfor merchants to write a cardholder's personal information, such as an address orphone number, on a sales receipt.( , Rules for Visa Merchants, page 29).----------------------------------Visa and MasterCard Rules and RegulationsHere's what Visa says about requiring ID:"Although Visa rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants cannont make an ID a condition of acceptance. Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID. Visa believes merchants should not ask for ID as part of their regular card acceptance procedures."From page 31 of their Card Acceptance Guide.Here's what MasterCard says about requiring ID:"A Merchant must not refuse to complete a Transaction soley because a Cardholder who has complied with conditions for presentment of a Card at the POI refuses to provide addititional information, exept as specifically permitted or required by the Standards. A Merchant may require additional identification from the Cardholder if the information is required to complete the Transaction, such as for shipping purposes."From page 87, Section 5.6.3 of the MasterCard Rules.The Visa and MasterCard rules and regulations would allow for a retail store to ask for ID if having an account with the store is required to make a purchase, and an ID is required to open an account.The Visa and MasterCard rules and regulations would allow for a retail store to ask for ID if the card is not signed. In fact, an unsigned card can not be accepted, and the clerk should have you sign the card after providing ID. As a result, people who write "See ID" on their signature panels would really only get that benefit the first time they use the card.Other common merchant violations and reporting themIn addition to not being able to ask for ID, merchants can not add surcharges for credit card payments, and can not have minimum amount requirements for credit card payments. However, merchants can give a discount to cash customers.If you encounter a merchant violation, you can report them at the following telephone numbers:VISA: 800-VISA-911MasterCard: 800-300-3069

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Was 9 Lives cat food on the Recent Pet Food recall?

is 9lives canned cat food on recall

What does the cat food 9lives mean?

thir is some times a joke that cats have 9 lives but that's not true cats have one life on earth.

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Here are some cat foods that are considered the best: 9Lives, Eukanuba, Meow Mix, Royal Canin, Science Diet, Pedigree, Vegepet, Sheba, Solid Gold and The Honest Kitchen.

What is body part of cat use in getting food?

Cats eat with their mouths. As does every other mammal.

Why won't my cat eat?

your cat woun't eat maby because he/she doesn't like the food try giving him/her a diffrent food. Or try going to the vet.

Where can I cat food coupons?

Have you tried going to the website and signing up for their exclusive offers?

Is it safe to let a cat eat goldfish food?

No, it is not safe for a cat to eat goldfish food as it is specifically formulated for the dietary needs of goldfish and may not provide the necessary nutrients for a cat. Cats require a diet that is rich in protein and taurine, which goldfish food may lack. It is best to provide a cat with a balanced cat food formulated for their specific nutritional requirements.

What does it mean if a cat comes into your business place?

Strictly speaking, it means that a cat has come into your place of business. It may also mean that it smells food or has seen something in your place of business that would suggest hunting there might be profitable; or that there is someone there who has been feeding or petting it.

Do cats like cat food?

That depends how long he or she's been eating cat food and the quality.Lets say that for some odd reason, you fed your cat salmon and chicken since it was a kitten, and for another odd reason, you gave your low quality cat food, it is probby not going to enjoy it to much.And some cats are just weird and just prefer some foods over others.My cat,Fredy,won't eat anything but cat food (not even human food or cat treats) and the stuff he catches himself.

What is the possessive phrase for the cat food?

rabbit's food

What is the food of Himalayan cat?

cat food

Why is my foster cat biting me?

There might be lots of answers to that. Your foster cat might have been thinking that you have food or a treat. Has the cat had bad history? That might be an answer. Otherwise, try going to google or watching videos about cat language.