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Commercial Liability Insurance It may not be required by law, but it could be a good idea to carry some liability coverage, a minimum of $100,000 in case of an accident, injury or property damage to another party (usually your client) resulting from your operations or completed work.

It will most likely be a contractual requirement of any sophisticated or government clients. The cost differential between $100K & $1M of coverage will be minimal - strongly consider the higher limit.

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Q: Do you need liability insurance for a cleaning service?
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What sort of liability insurance does one need for a sole proprietor carpet cleaning service?

GL or General Liability

You are starting a residential cleaning business Should you get general liability insurance or professional liability insurance?

You need a commercial general liability policy.

Do I need liability insurance for an office cleaning job?

It may not be a requirement of the company you are cleaning for to have liabillity insurance but it will help you get more jobs if you do.

How much does liability insurance cost for a pool cleaning business?

You will need to contact an agent(s) for a quote.

What type of insurance do you need to own a cleaning service in North Carolina?

house insurance

Do you need a car to get liability insurance?

Automobile Liability insurance, YES. Liability insurance, NO. There are many kinds of liability insurance.

What can you do if you have liability who was hit by someone with liability insurance?

If you have liability for an accident, you will need to contact your insurance company. If you do not have liability insurance, you may need to pay for the accident out of pocket.

Do you need liability insurance for a cleaning company in NY?

I'm not certain that it's actually legally required. However, even if it's not mandated, if you don't have liability insurance anyone can accuse you of breaking whatever and whether you did it or not, you're going to be the one dealing with it, including shelling out for legal fees and possibly paying for it if you lose the case. If you do have liability insurance, the insurance company will be taking care of a lot of that for you. Bottom line: yes, you need liability insurance.

Do you need liability insurance for a dog walking service?

yes possibly. I am thinking about starting a part time dog walking service.

does homeowner ins cover the cleaning lady falls?

Most homeowner insurance will cover for public liability but you need to read your policy.

Do you need a license to start a cleaning business in Texas?

You do not need a cleaning license for Texas but you should always carry liability insurance and have a surety bond. This will protect you against any claims that may occur associated with you work.