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If the owner loses the house, it becomes somebody else's property...the someone else is often a bank. The new owner can quite legally charge you rent to occupy the property, or boot you out altogether.

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Q: Do you have to pay rent if the owner loses the house?
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Related questions

Can you be in your house and by your house at the same time?

Yes you can pay rent to the owner while it's in escrow, month to month.

What to do when you pay rent and don't have the house?

Either you pay rent for the house or you don't pay rent because you do not have house. It can't be both the situations.

Do you have to pay your rent to owner who is inforeclosure?

Until the foreclosure sale takes place, the rent is owed to the owner on the rent day.

What is the term for ground rent lease?

Ground rent lease means you own the house but someone else owns the actual property that the house sits on; therefore, you must pay the owner rent on that land. If you don't own the ground rent, you can purchase it.

Do you have to pay taxes on free rent?

not if you are renting free from the home owner the home owner has to pay taxes

Do you have to pay rent if your house is infested with mold?

yes you still have to pay rent.

How do you pay rent on the railroad cards in Monopoly?

You just pay the owner of the property.

How do you kick your brother-in-law out of the house because he is lazy and he is not working?

You can evict him if he breaks legal regulations and does not pay rent, but only if you are the landlord/owner. If you are legally bound to pay for the house, and he is not, you can call the police and say he is trespassing.

Do you have to pay property tax if you rent a house?

Not directly. The owner of the property is responsible for paying the property taxes. However, you should understand that how much rent you pay is determined, in part, by how much property tax the owner pays. In other words, the owner needs to charge enough rent to cover his costs (taxes, maintenance, insurance, mortgage payments, etc.). Otherwise, he is losing money on the property.

What is loss of use?

An example of "loss of use" : if your house burns, and you have to rent an apartment or another house to live in while your damaged home is being repaired or rebuilt. If you have the right home owner insurance, they will pay for your "loss of use" by reimbursing the rent you had to pay while waiting for your home to be repaired or rebuilt.

Do you have to pay property tax if you rent a shop?

No. The property owner does. You probably do in a way as he probably has added that to the rent.

What happens if you do not pay rent?

The owner can begin eviction actions against you.