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Yes. You can have as many policies as you want from as many companies you want. There are no restrictions about the number of policies a person can have.

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Q: Can you have insurance from two different company?
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What different types of insurance does the company E Sure offer?

The insurance company E Sure currently offers four different types of insurance. The types of insurances offered are home, travel, pet and car insurance.

Who owns the Contents Insurance company?

There is no company called 'Contents Insurance', however it is possible to buy contents insurance from many different insurance companies. Contents insurance is normally bought on your primary residency, this will cover you against unexpected loss.

Does the Hartford Insurance Company sell home insurance policies?

"Yes, I checked this out and the Hartford Insurance Company has a full line of all kinds of insurance polices, including Home Owner's Insurance policies of different kinds, as well. You can contact an insurance agent for more details."

Is Cuna Mutual Insurance Group a subsidiary of Madison National Life Insurance Company?

No, the two companies aren't related at all.

Can I have two different life insurance from two different companies?

Yes, you can obtain as much life insurance as you wish from as many companies as you wish. Given that insurance companies don't always stay around, splitting it up between different companies makes good sense.AnswerYes, you can have as many life insurance policies from as many life insurance companies that you want. Each company you are insured with would have to honor their contract and provide death benefits to your family in case of your death, provided your premiums are paid. ANSWERYou can purchase multiple policies but when it is underwritten, the additional life insurance company will underwrite the new policy with adding up the benefits of the other policies and perform health exams based on those totals and not just of the individual policy.

Related questions

Can you have two different drivers with different insurance companies on the same car?

Depends on where you are, what company you're going with, and the terms of your plan. Ask your insurance company this.

Can you have two different insurance company in same houshold?


Will secondary insurance pay claim if primary insurance is provided by the same insurance company?

yes, they will treat it as if the primary was a different company. You pay two premiums. If they do not, contact the DOI.

Can you have two health insurance policies?

Yes, A person can take multiple health insurance plans form same company or from different company. In fact it is a good idea to take two health plans from different companies and diversify.

Can our household have two different insurance providers?

Yes, a household is allowed to have two different insurance providers. My family had this question a few years back. We were able to insure some of our belongings with more than one insurance company.

Can two people hold two life insurance poicies on the same person with different companies?

YES, you can have multiple insurance policies, from different companies or even from the same company. Each company has it's own rules of how much life insurance someone can get. You can get quotes from multiple companies and have life insurance policies issued simultaneously from different companies. You should work with an insurance agent that has access to multiple insurance companies and can advise you what requirements each company has, and the limits they are willing to issue for life insurance.

What types of homeowners insurance does the company Chubb offer?

Standard home insurance and valuables insurance are two of the different types of homeowners insurance available to customers that are offered from Chubb.

Can two people have the same Car insurance policy but live in different household?

Two people in separate households can have the same insurance policy. Usually, you can give the insurance company separate garaging addresses.

What is the home insurance cost difference between companies?

Two different companies may offer different home insurance packages for their employees. The difference between such packages is determined by the revenue of the company in question and the value of the employee for the company.

What makes Bell Insurance different than most insurance companies?

Bell Insurance is a small, independent insurance company serving Southern Pennsylvania. It is different from many insurance companies in that it is not affiliated with a national insurance company.

What would be the cost for adding my two children on our insurance plan?

The cost of adding children to your car insurance plan actually depends on the ages of your two children, and what insurance company that you are a member at. Most places offer a multitude of different plans, and have different prices.

Does fidelity life insurance have a suicide clause?

Every life insurance company has a two year contestability clause. If death occurs by suicide in the first two years of the policy (or however many years are stated if different), the company can deny the claim.