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Yes, businesses can technically commit torts. Usually the tort is attributable to the business because of the actions of an employee within the scope of their employment. Under what is known as "vicarious liability" the employer, rather than the employee him- or herself, is responsible for the employee's actions while performing their job, with certain limitations.

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Q: Can business commit torts
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Can people be fined for committing a tort?

No, torts are civil wrongs that do not result in criminal punishment like fines. Instead, individuals who commit torts may be subject to paying damages as a form of compensation to the injured party.

What has the author T Christopher Donnelly written?

T. Christopher Donnelly has written: 'Business torts within the company'

What has the author John G Fleming written?

John G. Fleming has written: 'Supplement to The Law of Torts' -- subject(s): Torts 'Fleming's the law of torts' -- subject(s): Torts 'An Introduction to the Law of Torts (Clarendon Law)' 'An introduction to the law of torts' -- subject(s): Torts 'The solicitor and the disappointed beneficiary'

Are there torts that are neither intentional nor negligent?

No, there can't be torts that are not negligent or intentional because then they are not torts. They are called accidents.

What has the author John Lewthwaite written?

John Lewthwaite has written: 'Law of torts' -- subject(s): Cases, Torts 'Law of torts : learning text' -- subject(s): Torts

When was The King of Torts created?

The King of Torts was created in 2003.

How are torts classified?

Torts can be classified based on the type of harm caused, such as intentional torts (like assault and battery) and negligence torts (like medical malpractice). They can also be classified based on the legal remedy sought, such as personal injury torts (like car accidents) and property damage torts (like trespassing).

What type of torts are burglary and robbery?

What type of torts are burglary and robbery?

What is the name of some international torts?

The term "tort" is a legal term derived from the Latin word tortus, meaning a "wrong".Torts include: assault, battery, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.If you question actually references "international" torts, this is any tort which has a transnational or international aspect. See e.g. claims under the U.S. Alien Torts Claims Act.If you question is actually referring to "intentional" torts this refers to any intentional acts that are reasonably foreseeable to cause harm to an individual, and that do so. Intentional torts have several subcategories, including torts against the person, property torts, dignitary torts, and economic torts.

What is torts actionable per se?

the torts that the plaintiff does not need to prove actual damage

What is the ISBN of The King of Torts?

The ISBN of The King of Torts is 0-385-50804-2.

Do remedies differ for negligent torts and intentional torts?

Yes, remedies for negligent torts and intentional torts can differ. For negligent torts, the focus is on compensating the victim for damages caused by the defendant's carelessness. In intentional torts, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the defendant for their intentional wrongful actions in addition to compensating the victim for any harm suffered.