Yes a 12 year old can own his/her own business.
well if this kid is rd working and determine it is possible but of course it depends on what business category they are talking about
I'm twelve and maybe you could mow the lawn of' your neighbor for 4-7 dollars a lwan...
You need to be 18 years old to enter a legal contract or with your parents signature and help
yes they can,as long as they are able to manage it
A fourteen year old cannot start their own business. You have to be at least 18 years old before you can start a business.
A 14 year old cannot start their own business. In order to start a business you have to be at least 18 years old.
Yes a 12 year old can own his/her own business.
no it can't have a business.
With parental consent a 16 year old can start just about any business. Be prepared as a 16 year old for your parents to sign forms for you, read contracts, and handle your money.
A 3-year old is unlikely to have the mental capacity to develop a product or service to offer, let alone to actually start a business.
lemonde stand
As a 17 year old is a minor , he can invest his capital jointly with a person who has attained majority and though the contract is illegal , still he can do that .....other wise a 17 year old can misrepresent his age and start up the business activity but it is truly illegal and if caught imprisonment is guaranteed...
A 17-year-old, unless emancipated, cannot legally establish a business, and is not old enough to contract for insurance, or, for that matter, to contract for anything.
A 14-year-old girl can start her own business in Cardiff. You can sell old clothes on eBay or books on Amazon.
first you must find a good business idea, then you can find a person who has money to invest in your business.
She can not, you must be at least 18 years old to start a buisiness and if you wan't to do it proffesionelly you must have learned for it and have a diploma.