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Q: A virutual organization has little or no formal structure?
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What are some examples of companies that use the line organization structure?

Companies that use line and staff organization structure mainly include small businesses. With this structure, they know exactly who to go to for their supervision. Examples would include law offices and local restaurants.

Differentiate between business letter and official letter?

Ah, what a lovely question! A business letter is typically used for professional communication between companies or individuals within a business setting, focusing on specific details like proposals or inquiries. On the other hand, an official letter is more broad and can include various types such as letters from government agencies or formal announcements. Remember, each letter is like a happy little tree in the forest of communication, each with its unique purpose and beauty.

The difference between concentric diversification and conglomerate diversification?

Concentric diversification occurs when a firm adds related products or markets. The goal of such diversification is to achieve strategic fit. Strategic fit allows an organization to achieve synergy. In essence, synergy is the ability of two or more parts of an organization to achieve greater total effectiveness together than would be experienced if the efforts of the independent parts were summed. Conglomerate diversification occurs when a firm diversifies into areas that are unrelated to its current line of business. Synergy may result through the application of management expertise or financial resources, but the primary purpose of conglomerate diversification is improved profitability of the acquiring firm. Little, if any, concern is given to achieving marketing or production synergy with conglomerate diversification.

Difference between concentric and conglomerate diversification?

Concentric diversification occurs when a firm adds related products or markets. The goal of such diversification is to achieve strategic fit. Strategic fit allows an organization to achieve synergy. In essence, synergy is the ability of two or more parts of an organization to achieve greater total effectiveness together than would be experienced if the efforts of the independent parts were summed. Conglomerate diversification occurs when a firm diversifies into areas that are unrelated to its current line of business. Synergy may result through the application of management expertise or financial resources, but the primary purpose of conglomerate diversification is improved profitability of the acquiring firm. Little, if any, concern is given to achieving marketing or production synergy with conglomerate diversification.

What are states with little or no industry are?

Developing nations

Related questions

Advantages and disadvantages of formal organization structure?

Formal organization is a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures. As such, it is usually set out in writing, with a language of rules that ostensibly leave little discretion for interpretation. In some societies and in some organization, such rules may be strictly followed; in others, they may be little more than an empty formalism.Advantages: In formal organization goals are clearly defined,suitable for all type of businesses, task done in time, objective will be clear,Disadvantages: doesn't allow flexibility, doesn't allow long term planing, lesson the scope of creativity.

What do you understand by the term formal organizations state its advantage and disadvantages?

Formal organization:- Formal organization is a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures. As such, it is usually set out in writing, with a language of rules that ostensibly leave little discretion for interpretation. In some societies and in some organization, such rules may be strictly followed; in others, they may be little more than an empty formalism. Formal organization refers to the organization structure which is designed and prescribed by the management of an enterprise. It is generally, but not necessarily, represented in the form of an organization chart showing designation of various people employed in the organization, their hierarchical levels, reporting relationships, and other channels for control and coordination. This chart is backed up by a more detailed description of duties and responsibilities of each position shown in the organization chart. This formal organization represent the structure of duties, responsibilities and working relationships formally prescribed in the organization. Formal Organizations have a chain of command and empowered officers to enforce the agreed upon rules. Any formal organization qualifies, Rotary Club, Boy Scouts, Ford Motor Company. All have a Charter stating their place and function in society, all have rules of behavior and officers to enforce compliance to those rules. Properties of formal Organization:- Formal organizational structure have two key properties: 1) They are rationalized and impersonal prescriptions that identify various social purposes as technical ones and specify in a rule-like way the appropriate means to pursue them rationally.2) They are highly institutionalized and thus in some measure beyond the discretion of any individual participant or organization. They must be taken for granted as legitimate. Advantages of formal Organization:- The benefits and advantages of formal organization include the following. * They provide the basic structure of division of work and responsibilities. Without such a structure it will e very difficult for employees to agree between themselves on duties and responsibilities of each, and such difficulties multiply in geometric proportions with increasing size of the organization. * It generates clarity on what support and input each employee can expect from others, and in turn what is expected of him by others. * It promotes discipline in the organization. * It makes it easier to review and revise organization with changing requirements. * It provides a structure for laying down pay scales and taking other decisions linked to organizational levels. * It helps in other human resources development activities such as recruitment, promotions, career planning and development and manpower planning.

Do you capitalize the words little league or are they used in lowercase?

"Little League" is the formal name of a registered nonprofit organization. Therefore, as a proper noun, both words of the term, when used together to refer to this organization, are to be capitalized. This now-international baseball organization for children and teenagers was begun in 1939.

What authority does the project manager have in a centrally organized structure?

In a centralized organization a project manager has very little authority. The authority lies at the top of the hierarchy.

Where did Zachary Taylor go to school at?

Taylor had very little formal education. He did not go to high school or college.

Where did Annie Oakley live in her life?

Oh no as she was very poor she did not go to school even, college was unthinkable for her.

What school did Annie Okley attend?

She had little or no formal education.

What was Benjamin west's education?

very little formal education

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A formal organization is often conceived of as a communication system.isit how?

Formal organization is a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures. As such, it is usually set out in writing, with a language of rules that ostensibly leave little discretion for interpretation. In some societies and in some organization, such rules may be strictly followed; in others, they may be little more than an empty formalism. Distinction from informal organization Formal rules are often adapted to subjective interests — social structures within an enterprise and the personal goals, desires, sympathies and behaviors of the individual workers — so that the practical everyday life of an organization becomes informal. Practical experience shows no organization is ever completely rule-bound: instead, all real organizations represent some mix of formal and informal. Consequently, when attempting to legislate for an organization and to create a formal structure, it is necessary to recognize informal organization in order to create workable structures. However, informal organization can fail, or, if already set in order, can work against mismanagement. Formal organizations are typically understood to be systems of coordinated and controlled activities that arise when work is embedded in complex networks of technical relations and boundary-spanning exchanges. But in modern societies, formal organizational structures arise in highly institutional contexts. Organizations are driven to incorporate the practices and procedures defined by prevailing rationalized concepts of organizational work and institutionalized in society. Organizations that do so increase their legitimacy and their survival prospects, independent of the immediate efficacy of the acquired practices and procedures. There can develop a tension between on the one hand, the institutionalized products, services, techniques, policies, and programs that function as myths (and may be ceremonially adopted), and efficiency criteria on the other hand. To maintain ceremonial conformity, organizations that reflect institutional rules tend to buffer their formal structures from the uncertainties of the technical activities by developing a loose coupling between their formal structures and actual work activities. - (John Meyer and Brian Rowan, 1976) The Hawthorne Experiments The deviation from rulemaking on a higher level was documented for the first time in the Hawthorne studies (1924-1932) and called informal organization. At first this discovery was ignored and dismissed as the product of avoidable errors, until it finally had to be recognized that these unwritten laws of work of everyday life often had more influence on the fate of the enterprise than those conceived on organizational charts of the executive level. Numerous empirical studies in sociological organization research followed, ever more clearly proving this, particularly during the Human Relations Movement. It is important to analyze informal structures within an enterprise to make use of positive innovations, but also to be able to do away with bad habits that have developed over time. Reasons for informal organization There are many different reasons for informal organization: Informal standards: personal goals and interests of workers differ from official organizational goals. Informal communication: changes of communication routes within an enterprise due to personal relations between coworkers. Informal group: certain groups of coworkers have the same interests, or (for example) the same origin. Informal leaders: due to charisma and general popularity, certain members of the organization win more influence than originally intended. Different interests and preferences of coworkers. Different status of coworkers. Difficult work requirements. Unpleasant conditions of work. Managerial organization theory often still regards informal organization as rather disturbing, but sometimes helpful. In the opinion of systems theory and cybernetics, however, formal organization fades into the background and only serves, if necessary, to supplement or to correct. Changes in structure always redevelop because of the conduct and differences among coworkers, and the ability of self-organization is recognized as a natural characteristic of a social system. External links

Formal wear for women?

evening gown or little black dress

What is the organization of the book twilight?

little brown and company