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"H" (hache) is the Spanish letter that is silent.

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Q: Which letter is never pronounced in Spanish?
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What letter in the Spanish alphabet is never pronounced?

H is not pronounced in Spanish.

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The letter "i" in the Spanish alphabet is pronounced the same as the name of the letter "E" in the English alphabet.

What is the first letter in the spanish alphabet?

The first letter in the Spanish alphabet is also A. The difference is that in Spanish it is pronounced "Ahhh."

What letter is pronounced eckeese in spanish?

x = equis (pronounced as written it in the question)

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Jota is pronounced as "HOH-tah" in Spanish. The letter J in Spanish is typically pronounced as an "H" sound.

Which letter in Spanish alphabet is prounounced same as letter e?

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The letter 'f' is called 'efe' (pronounced EFFay) in Spanish

What is the 1st letter of the spanish alphabet?

A. It is pronounced "Ahh"

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How do you spell b in spanish?

You spell it 'b', but the Spanish name for the letter is 'be', pronounced 'bay'