bush, theme, bass (fish not instrument)
You may be thinking of a Geiger as in Geiger Counter but it's more of an instrument than a machine.
No, the words "face" and "safe" do not rhyme. The vowel sound matches, but the ending consonant sound does not. Here are some words that do rhyme with safe: strafe waif Here are some words that rhyme with face: brace case lace mace place race space trace vase
Bass as in the instrument - Case, Mace, Space etc..Bass as in the fish - I cant think of any?mass
Bum, Dumb,Thumb,Gum,Come,Mum,Numb,Rum,Sum,Tum,Yum.
An instrument that rhymes with a lute, is a flute.
my thumb
jerry's thumb
Big thumb? I don't know.
trombone, saxophone
The part of your hand that rhymes with "crumb" is the thumb. The thumb is a unique digit that is opposable to the other fingers, allowing for precision grip and manipulation. It is essential for activities such as grasping objects, writing, and playing musical instruments.
Near rhymes with 2 syllables are: succumb green thumb bay rum snare drum
Become, green thumb, succumb, keep mum