Tu as regardé un film means "You watched a film"Vous avez regardé un film is the formal way of saying the same thing.
"On y va pour regarder un film" translates to "Let's go to watch a movie". Normally pour means for but when pour is used to indicate an objective, it translates to to.
Erotik filmler is in Turkish and when translated in English, it means erotic films. Erotic films are usually about softcore scenes and usually include sex in a film.
Translated from Vietnamese, 'phim heo', in English means 'film pigs'. This is not a very nice turn of phrase and in Vietnamese culture, is often associated with pornography.
Well, honey, not much rhymes with 52, but you can always go with "shoe" or "blue" if you're feeling fancy. Just remember, rhyming isn't an exact science, so don't stress too much about it. Just have fun with it, sugar!
Rhymes with Banana - 2012 was released on: USA: 13 October 2012 (Woodstock Film Festival) USA: 2013 USA: 25 April 2013 (Newport Beach International Film Festival) USA: 15 November 2013 (Williamsburg Independent Film Festival)
There are a few disadvantages to film cameras. The film must be loaded correctly, exposed correctly, removed from the camera & developed. There is a some latitude in the process of exposing your film but unless you process & print your own film you are at the mercy of the film tech (or computer.)
The Re-recording mixer is in charge of the final mix process of the film Source: "School"
The art or process of producing images on a sensitized surface (as in film or a digital imager) by the action of radiant energy, especially light. And it still means that.
pictravert - a term used in the late 1990's for greyscale film photography methods
An angiograph is the film or image of the blood vessels produced by the process of angiography.
Roughly, one can divide he process of making a film into three divisions: pre-production, production and post-production. Then, the film moves into the marketing and advertising process, which has its own set of divisions.
CAM means that the film has been, filmed in the cinema dvdrip is a direct copy of a DVD film
Filmmaking is the process of telling stories on film.
Coyote Ugly (the song is called Can't Fight the Moonlight)