The regular ordinary Japanese person's word for snowflake is "seppen." But Japanese poets and writers use the term "yuki no hana" which literally means "snowflower" -- a prettier, more poetic word for the beautiful snowflake.
Ego IS a Latin word. It is the Latin for I.
The Latin word for siblings is fratribus. The Latin word for sister is soror, while the Latin word for brother is frater.
The Latin word for "after" is post.
When you ask the Latin word for false I assume you mean the word "no". In Latin the word "no" is "minime".
Snowflake is one word. Used in an example sentence "the snowflake looks pretty under the microscope".
The word snowflake has two syllables. The syllables in the word are snow-flake.
The regular ordinary Japanese person's word for snowflake is "seppen." But Japanese poets and writers use the term "yuki no hana" which literally means "snowflower" -- a prettier, more poetic word for the beautiful snowflake.
снежинка. Chezhinka
Yes, it is : snowflake.
"Schneeflocke" or "Der froschen wrain"
Yuki no furēku
Yuki no furēku
The letters can be used to spell snowflake.