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It means that if you do not like the way they do it for fishing, hunting, etc. they execute you or put you in prison for breaking of law.

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patria o muerte.

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Q: What is the spanish translation of the phrase homeland or death?
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What is the Spanish translation of the English word death?


Translation of the death of me in spanish?

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What is the English translation of the spanish word morte?

It should be "muerte", meaning death.

What is greek for angel of death?

The English phrase "angel of death" has a Greek translation. When written with the English alphabet this phrase translates into the Greek "angelos tou thanatou".

What is the national motto of Cuba?

Patria o Muerte (Spanish) "Homeland or Death""Patria o Muerte"In english:Homeland or Death

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What is cubas motto?

"Patria o Muerte" means "Our Homeland or Death" in English.

What is the English translation of the Latin phrase 'nomen illi mors'?

nomen illi mors= "his name [was] Death." This is from the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible, and refers to the rider on the pale horse of Revelation 6:8.

What is the Spanish translation of the English phrase are dicing with death?

Deacuserdo a lo investigado y después de haber leido este libro pues creo ke la traducción más aproximada es "JUAGANDO CON LA MUERTE"

What is the meaning of Santa muerte?

That's Spanish for "holy death". I have no idea in what context this phrase would be used.

Latin translation for the phrase white death?

Translating English to Latin can be hard. The Latin translations for "White Death" are "Mors album" and "Album mors.". This is dependent on the period placement.

Does Cuba have a motto?

yes its homeland or death