Hasta pronto means see you soon
hasta luego
Hasta luego Hasta pronto
adios hasta luego hasta pronto
"I'll see you soon" contains the contraction "I'll" which would best be chnaged to "I will". This will give you the traslation "Nos vemos pronto." This translates directly to "see you soon" in English, so a literal translation cannot be made in Spanish.
Hasta Pronto means "See You Soon"
Hasta pronto means see you soon
¡Hasta pronto! in Spanish is "See you later!" in English.
hasta luego
Hasta Pronto Hasta luego (see you later) Nos vemos pronto
Hasta luego Hasta pronto
"¡Hasta pronto!" is an exclamation in Spanish, meaning "See you soon!" It is commonly used to say goodbye in a friendly and informal way.
adios hasta luego hasta pronto
hasta pronto
Hasta pronto = See you soon.
"I'll see you soon" contains the contraction "I'll" which would best be chnaged to "I will". This will give you the traslation "Nos vemos pronto." This translates directly to "see you soon" in English, so a literal translation cannot be made in Spanish.
Hasta Luego- see you later Hasta muy pronto- see you very soon