According to an online translating program: El Perro in spanish translates to The Dog in English. The plurals are: El Perros and The Dogs.
Como es el perro means "How is the dog".
Said the dog.
How do you say good luck on the test or quiz in spanish??
caballo - horse perro - dog gato - cat pajaro - bird paloma - dove, pigeon leon - lion burro - donkey
"My dog is called..." in Spanish is "Mi perro se llama..." It is pronounced "me PER-ro say YA-ma".
The Spanish word for dog is "perro".
perro or El Perro.
"Tengo el perro" translates to "I have the dog" in English.
"El perro" translates to "the dog" in English.
Cachorro is a portuguese word which means dog in english. The spanish word for dog, or cachorro, is perro.el cachorro = el perro.
Puede obtener el perro? Puede ir a agarrar al perro?
El perro ladró.
"the dog runs"
el pequeño perro
you say: "el perro es bonito" if it's a male dog, if it's a female dog you say: "la perra es bonita"
El Perro Negro Stories from the Spanish Civil War - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp
El perro del primo.