Zero. (zeh-row)
"Shadow owl" would become "kage no fukurou" (pronounced: kah-geh no hoo-koo-row).
The bench seat is the second row!!
The words how and cow rhyme with each other. Bow and row rhyme with each other. But how and cow do not rhyme with bow and row.
The longest word you can type using only the top row of keys is typewriter
3. Actually, it is the only English word with 3 sets of double letters in a row.
There is only one word with four vowels that is in the Dictionary. Gooey -Wet Vagina
1 Bookkeeper
The only 8-letter word with 5 vowels in a row is queueing.
'Netspil' is a common word in the Danish language. When the word 'netspil' is translated into English, the most common meaning of this word is 'front row'.
"Roudan" is pronounced: row-don
one word comes to mind, even though there may be more. The word I'm thinking of is the only word in the English language that has three sets of double letters in a row. The word is "BOOKKEEPER"
This question has no answer in english. however in french there is a word when put in feminin form has three consecutive e's in a row which is "creee" which means "to create". The word has two accents in the first two e's. .