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No. Ruger is a brand name. Generic means no brand. Contradiction in terms.
Winchester, Ruger, Savage to name a few.
Sturm was the name of one of the founders of Strum, Ruger and Co.
That is the correct spelling of Ruger, which is named for William Ruger of Sturm, Ruger & Company.
There is no "one" name. Thompson, Walther, Ruger, UD, Sten, etc..
Ruger, Winchester, Henry, Savage, to name a few.
Upload a photo of it to a gun forum to identify it, guns are not identified by their serial number, they are identified by their model name. For example : Ruger Charger, Ruger Mark, etc.
Ruger, S&W, Winchester, Marlin, Browning
Yes.. all pre-73 Ruger Single Six pistols will be upgraded by Ruger.
No such Ruger ever made
There is no such Ruger.