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(genitive: sōlis, masc., third declension)

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Q: What is the Latin word for 'sun'?
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What was the Roman word for sun?

The Latin word is sol, or solem, for the Sun.

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The Latin word for sun-basking is apricatio, from the verb apricari, "to sun oneself".

Does solar mean sun?

Solar means "about the Sun" in Latin. The Latin word for "Sun" is "Sol".

Latin word for solstice?

Solstitium, from sol ("sun") + stitium ("stand")

Why is the system named solar?

That is named after the Sun - from the Latin word for Sun ("sol").

What word in Latin means sun?

The Latin for sun is Sol, solis

Is solar lattin for sun?

The Latin word for "Sun" is "Sol". The word "solar" means "about the Sun".

Latin word for west?

Occidens is the Latin word for West, the direction of the setting sun.

What does sunshine mean in Latin?

Sunshine is not a Latin word. The word in Latin for sun is: sol. ( a masculine 3rd declension noun) There are various ways in which to express light and the sun, but no single word for sunshine.

What is the spanish word for sun?

The word for sun is 'sol'. The word has its roots in Latin, the traditional language of the Popes.

Comes from latin word sol?


Why do they call the sun sol?

Because the Latin word for sun is sol