Sometimes it is fun to translate morbid titles to Latin. Odium Hatred mortis is the Latin Translation of "The Bringer of Death".
In Latin, "I am death" can be translated as "Ego sum mors." The word "ego" means "I," "sum" means "am," and "mors" means "death." So when combined, the phrase "Ego sum mors" conveys the message "I am death" in Latin.
Dead or Deceased:adjective.- mortuus- conquietus- inanisMore can be found in the link in the Related Links Section.
The Latin equivalent of 'Death walks amongst you' is Mors inter vos ambulant. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'mors' means 'death'. The preposition 'inter' means 'among, amongst'. The personal pronoun 'vos' means 'you all'. The verb 'ambulant' means '[they] are walking, do walk, walk'.
Ego IS a Latin word. It is the Latin for I.
Bellator Mortis
Death = θάνατος (thanatos) Knight = ιππότης (ippotis) Thanatos Ippotis is a rough translation for Death Knight
Gloria is the Latin word for glory. The word for death is mors in the nominative case and mortis in the genitive case.
Miles Militis meaning Knight,soldier,warrio in Latin.
The Latin root word for "immortal" is "immortalis," which comes from the combination of "in-" (meaning "not") and "mortalis" (meaning "mortal" or "subject to death").
if that is the one where the quest giver tells you to duel other death knights you have to find these ones (i cant remember what they where called ) that have the word death knight in their name on the ledge below ebon hold
The word "obituary" comes from the Latin word "obituarium," which means a record of someone's death. This term has been used since the early 18th century to refer to a published notice or article announcing and commemorating someone's death.