the word is the same la pizza --- the pizza une pizza ---- a pizza
pizza in French is still pizza
all it is, isune pizza
In French, you say la pizza, not le pizza. Adding the word "pepperoni" doesn't change that, (despite "un poivron" being a masculine noun)A pepperoni pizza = une pizza aux poivrons
Une Pizza. So feminine.
the word is the same la pizza --- the pizza une pizza ---- a pizza
pizza ex. i want pizza-english. je veut pizza-french
La Pizza, its as simple as that :D
pizza in French is still pizza
I love pizza is " j'aime la pizza " in French.
Whatever is on the French Pizza Is GOING TO BE FOOD.......Onion!
la pizza (fem.)
all it is, isune pizza
I think it means ' the pizza'
J'aime la Pizza.