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The french word for Pizza is La Pizza

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Q: What is the french word for pizza?
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How do you spell pizza in french?

the word is the same la pizza --- the pizza une pizza ---- a pizza

What word are the same in french and enlish?

pizza ex. i want pizza-english. je veut pizza-french

Word For Pizza In French?

La Pizza, its as simple as that :D

How do you say cheese and tomato pizza in french?

pizza in French is still pizza

What is 'I love pizza' when translated from English to French?

I love pizza is " j'aime la pizza " in French.

What is on French pizza?

Whatever is on the French Pizza Is GOING TO BE FOOD.......Onion!

What do you call pizza in french?


Is pizza in french le or la pizza?

la pizza (fem.)

How do you write pizza in french?

all it is, isune pizza

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What does la pizza mean in French?

I think it means ' the pizza'

How do you say you like pizza in french?

J'aime la Pizza.