In French, the word canard is masculine. Canard is a male duck and Cane is female. The term 'canard' also refers to a tactic used by a parent duck to draw a predator away from its nest by quacking and feigning a broken wing. In other words the Canard or Duck is lying.
the female duck is called 'une cane' in French.
une canne en bonbon, une canne de Noël, ou encore un sucre d'orge.
A 'cane'.
canne (a lot like the English "cane")
The word "cane" translates to "canne" in French.
"Cane" in French typically refers to a female duck.
lacrosse is french for the cane
It can mean a walking stick or sugar cane (canne à sucre)
The word "cane" rhymes with pain and means a walking stick.
The Latin word for cane of Saint Joseph is "baculus Sancti Josephi."
The only 7 letter word for cane I can think of is support.
the female duck is 'une cane' in French.
A stout stick is a club.
In French, the word canard is masculine. Canard is a male duck and Cane is female. The term 'canard' also refers to a tactic used by a parent duck to draw a predator away from its nest by quacking and feigning a broken wing. In other words the Canard or Duck is lying.
the female duck is called 'une cane' in French.