The hardest to solve riddles are often riddles that are not obvious to the person trying to solve the riddle. The riddle should have multiple components to the riddle to confuse the solver.
"The answer to my riddle" is not specific....Whose riddle? What riddle?
A Potato
This is not excactly a riddle about greek. It's a greek riddle. It's the riddle the Sphinx asks in the Labrynith. What
Jeremy Riddle?
SIlence ;-) Wind ;-)
1-click on the broken tile Thats it the end now move on to riddle school 5!!
Because it's pointless !
Q. What has to be broken before you can use it?A. An egg.
ultimate guitar
Patricia Riddle Gaddis has written: 'Battered but not broken' -- subject(s): Church work with abused women
Pretty sure that's a riddle. But it's water.
The basic rules of a riddle game typically involve one person providing a puzzling statement or question (the riddle) that the other person must solve. The solver can ask questions or seek hints to figure out the answer. The goal is to use logic and creativity to find the correct solution within a limited number of guesses.
this is a trick riddle since it has an multitude of different answers. one of the many answers to this riddle is, The answer to this riddle is "A coffin." it could also be a dog collar.
The answer to the riddle is the first person to make a sound after you start saying the riddle :) it may include any sound like an answer or a cough or laughing :D
A jerk!