業 (gou) is the Kanji for "Karma", though because the notion of Karma was introduced to China and Japan through the influence of Indian religions, you will also see it written as カルマ (karuma) in katakana.
It is: 悪
象 is the symbol for 'elephant' in Japanese.Answer: The question did not ask for the kanji for Elephant, but how the word is pronounced.The Japanese word is zosan or zo, with a long "o" and a slightly falling accent.
Bone in Japanese kanji looks like this. Bone: 骨 Bone in Japanese is pronounced like this. Honei
Lina can't be spelled in kanji. The syllable 'Li' does not exist in original Japanese syllabary, for which kanji is used. Instead it only can be written in 'katakana' as リーナ /rii na/.
you could say 'ore no kotoba wo shinjite de kudasai,' which means "please believe what I'm telling you.' Or you could say 'dattebayo!!' like naruto does! >w< that literally means 'believe it!'
There is no single kanji meaning friendship in Japanese.
The Japanese symbol (kanji) for 'fox' isΓ§βΉΒ, which is pronounced as 'kitsune'.
As there are basically no plurals in Japanese, the words 'tears' and 'tear' are the same. Therefore, the kanji are the same. The kanji for 'tear' is 涙 (namida).
You may use the kanji 'onna,' written: 女
What is the kanji symbol for remember
Actually I think you have three or more choices...The first is a 'wheel', the buddhists say Karma is the 'Wheel of Fate', now you might look up something like that in an images search engine so you get a proper wheel and not a Buick wheel. The other would be the symbol 'AUM', which kinda looks like a 3 with a tail and a coupla punctuation points on it....This is the main symbol for Hinduism, and it also represents 'KARMA'..... And then of course you can always use kanji, There will probably be several kanji to pick from with similar meanings.....In this case I tell folks to pick out the kanji most eye-pleasing to them.....Hope this helps.TatuBaron
There is no Kanji character for serendipity.
The kanji for love in Japanese is ζ.
Hinduism has no special symbol for 'karma'. However, in buddhism, the 'wheel' is the symbol of karma.
no there is not a symbol for karma see if you look in the social studies textbook there will not be a symbol for karma.
The kanji (Chinese symbol adapted by Japanese) for death is 死 (pronounced 'shi').In hiragana (basic syllables) this is し - you will almost always see the kanji except in material such as books or games produced for children which does not use kanji.(If you cannot see the above symbols, you will need to install a Japanese language pack.)
Kanji is a type language in Japan. It is Japanese writing.