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Quasimodo pours molten lead from his perch in the tower.

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Q: What is poured on the people by Quasimodo?
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What rhymes with Lord?

Bored, board, borderline, cord, chord, concord, corduroy, exordia, extraordinary, adored, ford, gored, gourd, horde, hoard, moored, ignored, poured, pored, record, roared, soared, stored, snored, toward, ward, or, orange, orb, accord, afford, sword, camcorder, smorgasbordhorde, bored, ford, cord, sword, poured, roared, wardkinda strange, but hope they help :)

I am what poor people have and what rich people need-I am what blind people see and deaf people hear-I am what brave people fear and what kind people hate-though hateful people love-what am I?

There are many true answers to this question, you just have to believe in yourself and your heart will tell you the correct answer.---- As a riddle, there is only one answer that fits, that answer is: "Nothing"What do poor people have?NothingWhat do rich people need?NothingWhat do blind people see?NothingWhat do deaf people hear?NothingWhat do brave people fear?NothingWhat do kind people hate?NothingWhat do hateful people love?Nothing(Discussion moved to discussion section from answer section.)

Are burmese people rich or poor?

there are both rich and poor people in burma . but the majority of people are poor and they get less chance in studies and employment. Rich people are preferred in urban areas rather than poor people . some won't even allow poor people in enter a certain area. poor people are treated like trash. rich people are treated like kings.

What is the Latin word for people?

What is the Latin word for people

Are people a solid?

Not really considering people are made of water.

Related questions

When was Quasimodo created?

Quasimodo was created in 1831.

What is Quasimodo's mother's name?

Quasimodo's mother's name is Maria.

When was Quasimodo - comics - created?

Quasimodo - comics - was created in 1966.

When was Quasimodo - magazine - created?

Quasimodo - magazine - was created in 1990.

What is the meaning of Quasimodo?

Latin, quasimodo, meaning "almost like"

When was Quasimodo's Dream created?

Quasimodo's Dream was created in 1981-05.

Who wrote Quasimodo?

There is no work called Quasimodo. However, Quasimodo is the main character in Victor Hugo's famous novel the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

When was Quasimodo d'El Paris created?

Quasimodo d'El Paris was created in 1999.

When was Salvatore Quasimodo born?

Salvatore Quasimodo was born on August 20, 1901.

What is the duration of Quasimodo d'El Paris?

The duration of Quasimodo d'El Paris is 1.67 hours.

The Hunchback in the Park?

Quasimodo, hunchback of notre dame, (latin = chinkalonkylooloo)

How old was Salvatore Quasimodo at death?

Salvatore Quasimodo died on June 14, 1968 at the age of 66.