Obra in Spanish means work or artwork in English, in the sense of a work of art only. Both languages form the plural by adding the s ending: obras, works.
Obra as distinguished from trabajo:
un buen trabajo - a good piece of work
una buena obra de arte - a good piece of artwork
Here are more translations of obra in context:
obra escultórica - sculptural work
obra escrita - written work
obra de música - work of music
obra musical - musical work
obra coreográfica - choreographic work
obra de teatro - a play / a theatrical play
It is also worth noting that the plural, obras, is usually used without accompaniment to refer to engineering works, such as repairs to subway lines. The Spanish expression "está en obras" translates to the British expression "it is in works" and the American expression "it is under repairs".
"Isabella" in English and Spanish is Isabella in Italian.
to work
Translated from Spanish to English, "han" is "have." Hope this helps.
Verano in Spanish is "summer" in English.
Norte in Spanish is "north" in English.
Treinta in Spanish is "30" in English.
"Father" in English is padre in Spanish.
"Evening" in English means tarde in Spanish.
Names are usually not translated. In any case, "Daniel" is a common name both in English and in Spanish.
'in' in spanish is en
That's Spanish for "while".
"Boy student" in English is estudiante in Spanish.
Mia familia in Spanish is "my family" in English.
The Spanish word sendero is translated as path in English.
"Isabella" in English and Spanish is Isabella in Italian.