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Ciao amico mio bello

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Q: What is hello beautiful friend in Italian?
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How do you say hello beautiful in Italian?

You can say "Ciao, bella" in Italian to say "hello beautiful."

What is 'Hello my beautiful friend' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao, bell'amica mia! in the feminine and Ciao, bell'amico mio! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Hello, my beautiful friend!" Context makes clear which selection suits. The respective pronunciations will be "tchow BEL-la-MEE-ka MEE-a" in the feminine and "tchow BEL-la-MEE-ko MEE-o" in the masculine in Italian.

What is 'Hello beautiful girl' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao, belle ragazze! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, beautiful girls!" The exclamation also translates as "Bye, beautiful girlfriends!" in English. The pronunciation will be "tchow BEL-ley ra-GAT-tsey" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'Hello my beautiful baby' when translated from English to Portuguese?

"Hello, my beautiful baby!" in English is Ciao, mia bella bambina! in Italian.

How do you greet a female friend in Italian?

The way to greet a female friend in Italian is Ciao!("Hello!"), which also works for a male friend.

What is 'Hello my beautiful' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao, bella mia! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, my beautiful!" The feminine singular greeting also translates into English as "Bye, my beautiful!" according to context. The pronunciation will be "tchow BEL-la MEE-a" in Italian.

What is 'Hello beautiful' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao, bella! and Ciao, bello! are Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, beautiful!" Context makes clear whether the compliment's recipient is a "beautiful" female (case 1) or a "beautiful" or "handsome" male (example 2). The respective pronunciation will be "tchow BEL-la" in the feminine and "tchow BEL-lo" in the masculine in Pisan Italian.

What is 'beautiful baby' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao bel bambino, meaning 'Hello Beautiful Baby'

What is the Italian translation of 'Hello Beautiful'?

Ciao, Bella is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, Beautiful."Specifically, the greeting ciao means "hi, hello." The feminine adjective/pronoun bella means "beautiful, handsome." The pronunciation is "tchow* BEHL-lah."*The sound is similar to that in the English noun "chow."

What is 'Hello beautiful That's fantastic' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao, bella! Questo è fantastico! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrases "Hello, beautiful! That's fantastic!" The declarations also translate as "Hello, beautiful! This is fantastic!" in English. The pronunciation will be "tchow BEL-la KWEY-sto eh fan-TA-stee-ko" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'Hello my female friend' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao, amica mia! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Hello, my female friend!" The feminine phrase also translates as "Bye, my female friend!" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "tchow a-MEE-ka MEE-a" in Italian.

What is 'Bye Beautiful friend' when translated from English to Italian?

Ciao, Bella is an Italian equivalent of 'Bye, Beautiful'. The interjection 'ciao' means 'Bye, goodbye' and 'Hello, hi'. The feminine adjective 'bella' means 'beautiful, handsome'. Together, they're pronounced 'chow BEHL-lah'.