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Archery is spelled 'tir à l'arc' in French.

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Q: What is achery in French?
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u can defeat AT with archers : 1 archer tower need 5 archers!! ze infinity,Genesis!! (GEN)

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How do you kill a doorknob?

well for starters you must be in a state of intense consentration, i call this state of mind being in sync. i cannot always controll when i go into sync but loud music with base sometimes activates it i think i have developed this ability with long periods of extreeme submursed stress as a young child. if your able to acuire this, um ability.. you will be able to properly outspart this dornnob and defeate it in hand to hand combAT. i wound recomend using a semir or a raptar sword. unless your into maces or achery which i positivly this achery is for woosies, but whatever you do do not start the dooor on fire which may contradict other chats rooms opinions, because there is an ancient ritual where if blood is on a piece of wood and burned in a home with a child or coule a demonic entity may arise. you have no idea if blood has ever interacted with this door and nobody needs a demonic entity coming about, have have you not seen patranormal activity that stuff is ick man