987651 in Spanish is "novecientos ochenta y siete mil seiscientos cincuenta y uno." The number is broken down into its components: "novecientos" for nine hundred, "ochenta" for eighty, "y" for and, "siete" for seven, "mil" for thousand, "seiscientos" for six hundred, "cincuenta" for fifty, and "uno" for one.
The number 987,651 (Nine hundred eighty-seven thousand six hundred fifty-one) is Novecientos ochenta y siete mil seiscientos cincuenta y uno.
The last number in this case "Uno" is just "un" when the object directly follows in a phrase of sentence. For example 51 dollars is Cincuenta y un dΓ³lares, not cincuenta y uno dΓ³lares.
My friend is taking Spanish and her name is Lola in Spanish, courtesy of my Spanish teacher.:)
Hermana is in Spanish. It is the Spanish word for "sister."
it means that your learning spanish
It's Spanish.
the spanish word for cats in spanish is gato
987651 in Spanish is "novecientos ochenta y siete mil seiscientos cincuenta y uno".
neuf cent quatre-vingt-sept mille six cent cinquante et un
nine hundred eighty-seven thousand, six hundred fifty-one.
Nine hundred eighty-seven thousand, six hundred fifty-one.
neuf cent quatre vingt sept mille six cent cinquante et un.
neuf cent quatre vingt sept mille six cent cinquante et un
neuf cent quatre-vingt-sept mille six cent cinquante et un.
Neuf cent quatre-vingt-sept mille six cent cinquante et un.
spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish
Spanish. Spanish is a language.
The Spanish explorers spoke Spanish.
Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter.