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"Teacher's desk" in English means cattedra in Italian.

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โˆ™ 8y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Scrivania (if you mean the desk the student use at home in his room for do his homeworks).

Banco (if you mean the student's desk used at school)

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Q: What is 'teacher's desk' when translated from English to Italian?
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What is 'the teacher's desk' when translated from English to Italian?

La cattedra is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the teacher's desk." The feminine singular definite article and noun also translate into English as "pulpit," "teaching post," or "tenure" according to context. The pronunciation will be "la KAT-tey-dra" in Italian.

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What is 'large desk' when translated from English to Italian?

Grande scrivania and scrivania grande are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "large desk." Context makes clear whether emphasizing the largeness more (case 1) or less (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "GRAN-dey SKREE-va-NEE-a" and "SKREE-va-NEE-a GRAN-dey" in Italian.

What is the English translation of the Italian word 'borsino'?

"Job posting"is one English equivalent of the Italian word borsino.Specifically, the Italian word is the masculine singular form of a noun. It means "dealing desk, job posting, trading desk". The pronunciation will be "bohr-SEE-noh" in Italian.

What is 'desk' when translated from English to Italian?

Banco, cattedra, scrivania, and sportello are Italian equivalents of the English word "desk." Context makes clear whether the term designates a piece of furniture for students (case 1), teachers (example 2), offices and writing (instance 3), or information service centers (sample 4). The respective pronunciations will be "BAN-ko," KAT-tey-dra," SKREE-va-NEE-a," and "spor-TEL-lo" in Italian.

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'desk'?

Scrivania is an Italian equivalent of the English word "desk".Specifically, the word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la ("the") or follow the feminine singular indefinite article una ("a, one"). The pronunciation will be "SKREE-vah-NEE-ah" in Italian.

What is behind the teachers desk?

mt teachers their is her purse and her lunch and are art

Is desk masculine?

In French, "desk" is masculine and is translated as "le bureau."

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What is desk in French?

'bureau' is for a teachers desk.but if you want a student's desk you call it 'pupitre'

What does The Teachers Desk do?

The Teachers Desk is an organization that provides free supplies to schools and students in the United States and aims to encourage students and teachers. One can find more details on their official website.

What is 'teacher's desk' when translated from English to Portuguese?

Mesa do professor is a Portuguese equivalent of the English phrase "teacher's desk." The phrase may be preceded immediately by the feminine singular a since Portuguese employs definite articles where English does not use "the." The pronunciation of "(the) desk of the teacher" will be "(a) MEY-zuh doo PRO-fes-soor" in Cariocan Brazilian and continental Portuguese.