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'Ru' is る

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Q: What is 'ru' in Hiragana?
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How do you write preschool in hiragana?

プレスクール /pu re su kuu ru/.

How do you spell O'Connor in Japanese?

I'm not really sure but usually Japanese spell names just the way Hiragana pronounces it's similarities to sounds of english. O'Connor would be O'Ka n na ru in hiragana dialect.

What does a R in Japanese look like?

The only consonant in Japanese is 'n'. The rest are always accompanied by vowels (a,i,u,e,o)In the case of 'R', in hiragana (used for writing originally Japanese words) and in katakana (used for borrowed words and foreign names,etc) we have these:Hiragana : ら (ra) , り (ri) , る (ru) , れ (re) , ろ (ro)Katakana : ラ (ra) , リ (ri) , ル (ru) , レ (re) , ロ (ro)

Hiragana and katakana?

I like Hiragana better!

When was Ru Ba Ru created?

Ru Ba Ru was created on 2008-09-12.

How do you write nezumi in hiragana?

In hiragana, it is written: ねずみ

What did the Japanese write?

hiragana katakana and kanji and furigana which is a mix of hiragana and katakana

How do you say 'bring an horse' in Japanese?

馬を連れてくる。 (hiragana only: うまをつれてくる。) u-ma wo tsu-re-te-ku-ru.

What is Hiragana?

Hiragana is a syllable that is in the Japanese language, in all of the hiragana, they have 46 letters.They have their vowels sound like the following:a,i,u,e,o-ka,ki,ku,ke,ko-sa,shi,su,se,so-ta,chi,tsu,te,to-na,ni,nu,ne,no-ha,hi,fu,he,ho-ma,mi,mu,me, mo-ya,yu,yo-ra,ri,ru,re,ro-and the three last ones are WA,o,and n.

What is the word music in hiragana?

It's おんがく (Ongaku) in hiragana.

How do you write nagasaki in hiragana?

Nagasaki in hiragana is ăȘがさき.

How do you spell 'friend' in hiragana?

The Japanese word for friend is tomodachi which is spelled like this in hiragana: ともだち