Marrone scuro is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "dark brown." The masculine singular phrase literally translates as "dark chestnut-brown" in English. The pronunciation will be "mar-RO-ney SKOO-ro" in Pisan Italian.
A hearty smile that comes light but take your plight!
Translated word for word, it means 'From knowledge, light.'
Mare is the Italian equivalent of 'sea'. It's a masculine gender noun that's shown in its singular form in the example. The way of saying 'the sea' is 'il mare', with the definite article 'il' meaning 'the'. The word in Italian is pronounced MAH-ray.**The sound of the syllable 're' is similar to the sound of the English word 'ray', as in 'ray of light'.
Baby Blue, Powder Blue, Light Turquoise, Light Sea Green.
Chiaroscuro in Italian is "dark and light" or "penumbra" in English.
Azzurro in Italian means "light blue" in English.
luce blu
Chiara? (kiara) is a female name an it means clear Italian version of Claire. means bright,light
Luce spirituale is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "spiritual light." The pronunciation of the feminine singular noun and the feminine/masculine singular adjective -- which translates literally as "light spiritual" -- will be "LOO-tchey SPEE-ree-TWA-ley" in Italian.
Luce o lampada is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "light or lamp." The feminine singular la may come immediately before each noun since Italian employs definite articles where English does not use "the." The pronunciation will be "(la) LOO-tchey o (la) LAM-pa-da" in Pisan Italian.
"Light of my life!" in English is la Luce della mia vita!in Italian. The feminine singular phrase may be preceded immediately by the feminine singular la since Italian employs definite articles where English does not use "the." The pronunciation will be "(la) LOO-tchey DEL-la MEE-a VEE-ta" in Italian.
"House of light" is an English equivalent of Casa della luce. The feminine singular prepositional phrase translates literally as "house of the light." The pronunciation will be "KA-sa DEL-la LOO-tchey" in Italian.
"Breakfast" is an English equivalent of the Italian word colazione.Specifically, the word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It may be translated as "collation, light meal, lunch" depending upon the situation and the speaker's birthplace. The pronunciation will be "KO-la-TSYO-ney" in Italian.
Chiaroscuro is an Italian equivalent of the English word "light-dark." The masculine singular noun most famously references a contrast technique of brightness and shade to convey atmosphere and three-dimensional modeling by artists, film-makers and photographers. The pronunciation will be "KYA-ro-SKOO-ro" in Italian.
"Light" is an English equivalent of the Italian word luce. The feminine singular noun also translates into English as "opening" in terms of mechanics and "span" in terms of architecture. The pronunciation will be "LOO-tchey" in Italian.
"Let the light be welcome!" and "Welcome the light!" are English equivalents of the Italian phrase Che la luce sia benvenuta!Specifically, the relative pronoun che is "that". The feminine singular definite article la means "the". The feminine noun luce means "light". The present imperative/subjunctive sia translates as "be, may be". The feminine adjective/past participle benvenuta translates as "welcome, well come".The pronunciation will be "ke la LOO-tche SEE-a BEN-ve-NOO-ta" in Italian.